Thursday, August 1, 2013


Mark 11:3   (KJV)
"And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightway he will send him hither."

After graduating high school, I worked for a local electronics store. My supervisor was an older gentleman who was quite a man with words.  He had a saying "If I tell you a rooster dips snuff, check under his wing and you will find a box of Garrett's!"  Now, for all of the younger generation, Garrett Snuff was a brand of dipping snuff 35 years ago.  He did not dip snuff, but the way "Monk" said it made the saying legendary!  

JESUS was entering Jerusalem from Jericho.   HE instructed two disciples to go "into the village" and they would find a "colt" tied up.  The disciples are not identified, but had it been Peter, he would have probably had questions?

In verse 5 of Mark 11, the one's who were there asked the disciples what they were doing? The disciples responded, in verse 6, with exactly what JESUS told them to say and the people let them go.   The disciples were obedient to do what they were told, and JESUS' promise was fulfilled.  

Too many times, I want evidence that things will work out BEFORE I attempt to do something for The LORD!  I "worry" that the colt will not be big enough for My LORD.  Or that the people will object to My LORD using it.  Or that My LORD will need to use it too long.  All JESUS wants is someone who will OBEY, no questions asked.  

GOD has a purpose for every trial we go through.   HE is preparing us to get to the point where we TOTALLY trust in HIM.  It's not as if HE is being mean or dogmatic.  HE wants us to TRUST in HIM so our lives will be easier!  HE LOVES US!  

But don't be sold the bill of goods that being a Christian is a bed of roses.  Luke 9:23 says, like so many other passages, "And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him DENY himself, and TAKE UP HIS CROSS DAILY, and follow me."  When we get to the point we realize HIS plan is far better than ANYTHING we could hope or dream for, then we are beginning to be used of HIM!  Whether it be taking up our cross daily, or fetching a colt, we are called to TRUST AND OBEY!!

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