Monday, August 12, 2013


Romans 12:2     (KJV)
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Yesterday morning, the sermon I heard from my pastor was about seeking the will of GOD.  This morning, as I awoke and was beginning my day, the enemy was filling my mind with all kinds of doubt and fear about the future.  My mind immediately went to Romans 12:2.  

EVERYDAY we have to re-commit ourselves to The LORD and HIS leadership in our lives.  We can't just let yesterday's commitment carry us through for the rest of our lives. In Exodus 16:15-21, the children of Israel were instructed to get themselves enough "manna" for THAT day.  When the sun got hot, it melted all the extra "manna".  They knew they had to go back every morning for their sustenance.  

Everyday we must return to our source for "manna"!  The surest way to find the will of GOD is to stay IN the will of GOD.  The enemy is seeking who he may devour every moment of every day.  We must continually seek to "renew our minds" to avoid the pitfalls he would love to snare us with.  When we are not "IN HIM" we are susceptible to conforming "to this world".  

There is nothing, and I mean nothing,  as sweet as knowing you are in "that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of GOD"!  The joy and peace that comes from knowing you have an open line to the Creator of the Universe is unmatched.  

LORD, please don't allow me to be "conformed" to this world and its culture.  Remind me that I am just a pilgrim here and my home awaits me! 

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