Saturday, August 3, 2013


Mark 7:14-16   (KJV)
"And when HE had called all the people unto HIM, HE said unto them, Hearken unto ME every one of you, and understand:  There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.   If any man have ears to hear, let him hear."

I was awakened this morning about 4:30AM.   Try as I may, I could not go back to sleep.  I eventually got up and started my day.  I was sitting here about 8:30AM reading my Facebook wall when a scripture from the Bible came up.  I decided to go there and delve into it a bit further.  When you slow the process down, it really helps. 

In verse 14 scripture records that JESUS called "ALL" the people unto HIM.  JESUS wanted everyone to hear what HE was about to say.  One would have expected to see this before the Sermon on the Mount or other long oration.  JESUS wanted to make sure everyone heard what HE had to say, so I better listen carefully!

Our church has just completed a study of CLASSIC CHRISTIANITY by Bob George.  In the book he discusses "TRUTH" (John 14:6) and "ERROR" or deceit (Genesis 3).  JESUS is truth, and error is from Satan.  JESUS says the "Truth" (John8:32) will set you free.   The enemy wants to "bind" us. 

JESUS is trying to tell everyone ("ALL") that the rules and traditions the Pharisees and Jews were holding to (Mark 7:3) was cleansing their hands, but their hearts were not being changed!  JESUS is not saying that you shouldn't eat with clean hands.  Rather, we tend to place so much emphasis on the "HERE AND NOW" and we neglect the "PERMANENT" matters!  

The sin that is a product of a "DEFILED" heart are what the Jews and Pharisees were trying to deal with.   JESUS was trying to get "EVERYONE" to see that the issue is with the "HEART"!  If the "HEART" is regenerated, it produces "NEW LIFE".  JESUS gives life, and life abundantly!!! (John 10:10). 

Some cannot "HEAR" (v.16) because they don't hear spiritually.  You cannot "DO" anything to warrant salvation.  You can't wish yourself into heaven.  You can work your way into heaven.  You can't "Wash your hands enough" to get to see GOD!   

Don't fret when someone "mocks".   They don't see or hear and cannot understand (Matthew 13:15) the Gospel.  Remember the quote from John Bradford (1510-1555)"There, but for the grace of GOD, go I."

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