Friday, January 2, 2015


Psalms 37:7                          (ESV)
"BE STILL" before the LORD and wait patiently for HIM; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!"

Recently a friend posted a scripture that spoke to my heart.  Psalms 37:4 (ESV) says "Delight yourself in the LORD, and HE will give you the desires of your heart."  This morning while reading over Psalms 37:4, I continued on reading until I got to verse seven.  Once again, I was stopped in my tracks by the LORD speaking to me!

Every now and again I get so caught up in doing "stuff" for The LORD that I have to be reminded that all HE wants from me is to do is WORSHIP and HONOR HIM!  I can build the biggest building, sing the prettiest song, go to the largest church, or any number of other things demonstrating how much I love the LORD!  But if I can't take the time to "BE STILL" before HIS throne and recognize and worship HIM as the CREATOR and SUSTAINER of LIFE, it may be  evident that I don't trust HIM?  

Recently there was a graphic shared that said "Not once does the BIBLE say 'Worry about it', 'Stress over it', or 'Figure it out'!  But over and over it clearly says, "TRUST GOD"!  One of the enemies most effective tools is to get us so busy that we don't take time to WORSHIP the GOD of CREATION.  When we get so caught up in making sure that everything is done correctly by the worlds standards that we forget about making sure we consider how GOD wants things done, we are moving at a pace where GOD cannot be glorified.  

"BE STILL" before the LORD and wait patiently for HIM' is not a 'worldly' suggestion on how to be a success.  If we are moving out of HIS timeline, we are out of HIS will.  Whether we are ahead of HIM or behind HIM, we MUST move at HIS pace!  My problem has always been "waiting patiently" for GOD to do something in my life.  Sometimes I have to be reminded to "BE STILL" before the LORD.  HIS pace is where I can 'delight' in HIM!

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