Saturday, January 24, 2015


Psalms 25:4-5                              (ESV)
"4 Make me to know YOUR ways, O LORD; teach me YOUR paths. 
5 Lead me in YOUR truth and teach me, for YOU are the GOD of my salvation; "FOR YOU I WAIT" all the day long."

Not only do I need to make sure I am doing exactly WHAT the LORD wants me to do, I need to WAIT on HIS timing to accomplish HIS plan!  Had the children of Israel (Exodus 14) tried crossing the Red Sea to quickly, they most assuredly would have drown.  Had they waited too long to cross, the Egyptians would have overtaken them.  Instead, the Egyptians followed them into the Red Sea and at "precisely" the right time were "consumed" by the waters returning to their banks.  GOD got glory over Pharaoh and his followers while teaching us all a lesson about HIS timing!

For us "to know YOUR ways, O LORD" is a MUST.  If we are not doing what GOD has called us to do, we are like a ship with no rudder.   We must continually stay in HIS Word and before HIS throne for HIS guidance to be exhibited in our lives. Too often I have tried steering "my ship" on my own, and I always end up in a storm!  When that happens, I come running back to HIM wondering what went wrong?  Where did I mess up?  

The lesson of "FOR YOU I WAIT" has NOT been an easy one for me to learn!  My mentality has always been to have to be doing something!  Exodus 14:14 says "The LORD will fight for you, and YOU HAVE ONLY TO BE SILENT!" King David, the writer of this Psalm, KNEW that GOD has a timetable and that working outside of that timetable was futile.  King David may have been a "mighty warrior", but he knew that GOD could do FAR more than man could accomplish.  

Waiting on the LORD can be an excruciating thing!  We live in such a fast-paced, hectic lifestyle that says that everything MUST get done by us.  We must recognize that trying to work things out on our own certainly will lead us into danger.  "FOR YOU I WAIT" needs to become my mantra in life.  The experience of me steering my ship has proven to be less than favorable. When my epitaph is written, may it be "FOR YOU I WAIT" from now on!

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