Thursday, January 22, 2015


Joshua 3:7                                    (ESV)
"The LORD said to Joshua, "Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, "THAT THEY MAY KNOW" that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you."

When GOD speaks to a person, or through a person, HE does it for HIS glory.  Scripture is filled with individuals who were used by GOD for HIS glory, and were not interested in self-glorification.  When an individual is humble and gives glory to GOD, there is a distinction about them that is easy to identify.  Likewise, when someone is interested in increasing themselves before men, the arrogance leaves an unmistakable stench that cannot be hidden.

Joshua was given the task of leading an entire nation (some say as many as 3 million people) from the wilderness into Canaan, the Promised Land.  It is called the Promised Land because GOD had promised in Genesis 12:7 to give the land to Abraham and his descendants.  Joshua was "exalted", not because he was worthy, but because GOD knew HE would be glorified through Joshua.   The skills that Joshua possessed were unique because those skills came from GOD.

Just like Moses, his predecessor, Joshua had his faults.  But in his heart, he obeyed GOD and GOD blessed his actions.  When GOD blessed the actions of Joshua, GOD was given the praise.  GOD told Joshua in chapter 3:7 "THAT THEY MAY KNOW" that "I" was with Moses and that "I" will be with you!  GOD did not exalt Joshua because he was self-centered and desired to glorify himself, GOD exalted Joshua so that Israel would know YAHWEH was GOD!

It may be a dangerous thing to take credit for something that GOD has performed.  To accept GOD's glory would indicate that someone thinks they are as important and majestic as the Creator.  GOD has demonstrated HIS power with many so-called leaders throughout history so "THAT THEY MAY KNOW" HIS power.  My prayer is that if GOD exalts me, that I will continually give HIM the glory HE deserves!

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