Monday, January 5, 2015


Psalms 78:19-22                            (ESV)
"19 They spoke against GOD, saying, "Can GOD spread a table in the wilderness? 
20 HE struck the rock so that water gushed out and streams overflowed. Can HE also give bread or provide meat for HIS people?" 
21 Therefore, when the LORD heard, HE was full of wrath; a fire was kindled against Jacob; HIS  anger rose against Israel, 
22 Because "THEY DID NOT BELIEVE IN GOD" and did not trust HIS saving power."

There was always a respect for my grandfather when I was growing up.  I did not always agree with him, as he was 50 years my senior.  But I always knew he had experience on his side, and that almost always proved to benefit him........and me!  

Some of the children of Israel didn't trust GOD as much as they needed too.  King David knew his ancestors had doubted the ability of GOD to provide their needs.  King David remembered how GOD had provided for the children of Israel and he trusted that GOD would still do it for him.  

GOD's Word is full of instances of HIM providing the needs of HIS children.  GOD still provides for us today.  There are times we become so fixated on what we THINK we need and think GOD should provide for us.  We pray for GOD to provide our wants and when HE doesn't we think we have not been good enough?  When all along, we may be fitting into the "THEY DID NOT BELIEVE IN GOD" mode and trusting HIM for our needs?  

We are created to glorify GOD (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).  GOD doesn't owe us anything.  HE provides our needs out of HIS mercy and grace and KNOWING what is best for us.  All HE asks of us is to have FAITH in HIM! (Hebrews 11:6).  The LORD was "full of wrath" when HE saw HIS children did not trust HIM to provide for them.  My prayer is that "THEY DID NOT BELIEVE IN GOD" never be used to describe my life!  

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