Thursday, January 29, 2015


Isaiah 45:5-6                     (American Standard Version)
"5 "I AM JEHOVAH", and there is none else; BESIDES ME THERE IS NO GOD. I will gird thee, though thou hast not known me;
that they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none besides me: "I AM JEHOVAH", and there is NONE ELSE.

Some would like to debate about whether or not there is a God?  They have serious doubts about whether an invisible, almighty being could have "spoken" the heavens and earth into existence.  Some like to refer to the "Big Bang Theory" as when everything began.  I am sure that when YAHWEH said "LET THERE BE...." that is created a huge noise!  Just because there is no human explanation for what GOD creates, it doesn't mean that GOD is not real.  I wouldn't think much of a "God" that could be defined or explained by the subjects created by that God?

GOD lets it be known that "I AM JEHOVAH" throughout creation and history.  Mankind can try to explain the acts and decrees from GOD, but HE can never be explained or capsuled into any idea.  An earthquake occurs, a tsunami happens, a monumental snow storm falls, numerous killer tornados on one intelligent as mankind has become we CANNOT prevent the Hand of ALMIGHTY GOD from carrying out HIS will.  

JEHOVAH literally mean "I AM"!   So Isaiah 45:5 could read "I AM I AM"!  There is nothing else beside "I AM".  There is no other being as Holy or Valid as as JEHOVAH.  All other gods are from the enemy, and attempting to be a replacement for JEHOVAH.   There is no other name WORTHY of mentioning when JEHOVAH is named, for to do so would elevate them beyond their actual value!

"I AM JEHOVAH" will one day be recognized for Who HE is!  Isaiah 45:23 says "Before ME every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear".  In Exodus 14:4 GOD says that HE will harden Pharaohs heart, and the "Egyptians shall know that "I AM JEHOVAH".  AND THEY DID SO".  We ALL will bow before GOD one day and proclaim that HE IS JEHOVAH.  The question for us today is, are we willing to give JEHOVAH HIS glory with our lives NOW?  

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