Friday, January 23, 2015

"I and the FATHER are ONE!"

John 13:34-35                          (ESV)
"34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

John 10:30                                (ESV)
"I and the FATHER are ONE."

Recently I viewed a video about a man named Dr. Mark Gabriel, a convert to Christianity from the Islamic faith.  My bible study teacher called me at lunch and told me I had to see this video. Dr. Gabriel was raised to be a leading professor of Islamic Studies in Egypt.  He had memorized the entire Quran by age 12!  He attended Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the oldest university in the world.  But GOD........

When I viewed the video I was moved by a statement made by Dr. Gabriel about John 13:34. JESUS, when speaking to HIS disciples, told them "a new commandment "I" give you".  JESUS did not "get" a message from GOD, because HE was GOD in the flesh!   John 10:30 makes it very clear that JESUS is/was GOD.  GOD came to earth IN A BODY to pay a ransom we weren't able to pay for our redemption! 

In John 8 JESUS lets the Jews know that "I AM" was among them!  They picked up stones to kill HIM then, but HE evaded them.  What it took me a long time to understand was, GOD IS SPIRIT (John 4:24) and I was always thinking of things from a flesh (physical body) point of view.  We live inside the temporary temples we know as BODIES for a few short years, then we move to our SPIRITUAL home........mine with GOD!

The Spirit of GOD, through JESUS CHRIST, lives in me (Romans 8:11).  GOD changed the whole dynamic of LIVING when HE sent The HOLY SPIRIT to be our Comforter.  We are created to glorify GOD while we are here on earth, just as JESUS did.  When the earthly ministry of JESUS was completed, HE ascended to Heaven.  Just like JESUS, one day my Spirit will ascend to Heaven and I will worship and praise HIM forever!  My prayer is your spirit will do the same.

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