Monday, January 26, 2015


Proverbs 14:12                         (ESV)
"There is a way that "SEEMS RIGHT" to a man, but its end is the way to death."

Over the weekend there were several items that GOD put on my heart to study more deeply.  But the ONE THING that is central to all of those things is listening to what GOD instructs me to do.  A person can do that which "SEEMS RIGHT" during their entire life, but GOD wants us listening to HIS guidance and direction.  

There are times when the path I am to take seems very clear.  Everything seems to be falling into place at exactly the right time.  There are other times when I seem to be walking in a dark fog, not being able to know which direction to walk in?  It is not as though GOD is instructing me to WAIT, it is more like HE is silent not saying anything.  Could it be that HE is desiring me to more intently listen to and for HIS voice!  

One thing I have learned in my life is that when you don't have clear direction from GOD, you are better off not moving!  Barreling ahead without HIS leadership is a dangerous thing for a novice to do.  GOD loves us TOO much to leave us with no clear direction or instruction in our lives.  In Genesis 26, GOD told Isaac NOT to do the logical thing and go to Egypt during the famine.  Heading to where there was food to feed his family SEEMED to be the thing to do.  But just because a direction "SEEMS RIGHT" doesn't equate to GOD directing that way!

Isaiah 55:8 says "For MY thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways MY ways, declares the LORD."  When GOD is being quiet, it may mean that I need to become more quiet! HE may be directing me to listen for HIM more earnestly and sincerely.  HE may be seeing if I am willing to WAIT ON HIM?  To be certain, there is one thing I have learned, and that is you don't want to take a path just because it "SEEMS RIGHT"!   

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