Saturday, January 3, 2015


John 4:24                          (ESV)
"GOD is Spirit, and those who worship HIM must worship in spirit and truth." 

John 14:1                          (ESV)
""Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in GOD; believe also in ME."

John 14:16-17                   (ESV)
"16 And I will ask the Father, and HE will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
17 even the SPIRIT of TRUTH, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees HIM nor knows HIM. "YOU KNOW HIM", for HE dwells with you and will be in you."

It seems the entire WORLD gets so caught up in what we can see, feel, and touch that we tend to ignore the spirit world.  The spirit world is actually MORE REAL than the things we can see, feel, and touch.  Yet our mentality is so geared to accept the things we can see, feel, and touch by the WORLD that we miss the things that are REAL, and really matter.  

The "Information Age" has brought about a tremendous increase in WORLDLY knowledge.  But it seems the more intelligent mankind becomes, the less time we have to WORSHIP our CREATOR?  We tend to rely on our earthly knowledge rather than what GOD can REVEAL to us (1 Corinthians 2:6-16).  Why would we rely on the knowledge we can gain in our feeble, earthly mentality, when we can have the HOLY SPIRIT dwelling within us?  

JESUS said in John 4:24 "GOD is Spirit"!  In John 14:1 JESUS says "Believe in GOD; believe also in ME."  In John 14:17 JESUS explains "YOU KNOW HIM", for HE dwells with you and will be in you."  We need to humbly realize WHO WE HAVE BECOME through the sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST!  GOD's HOLY SPIRIT tabernacles within my body and I don't need to introduce anything into my body that GOD would not be pleased with.   

JESUS said in John 14:17 "YOU KNOW HIM", for HE dwells with you and will be in you."  That is not something that some old-time preacher or bible thumper said.  When we grieve the HOLY SPIRIT with actions that contrary to the nature of JESUS CHRIST, that SPIRIT living inside us  gets uncomfortable.  Does HE live inside of you!  JESUS said "the world cannot receive" or know HIM!  Do "YOU KNOW HIM"?  

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