Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Donald C. Barlow 1933-2015

Matthew 6:31-34                            (ESV)
"31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'
32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
34 "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

Today I am a bit subdued.  As some of you know my father-in-law, Don Barlow, passed away Monday morning.  He was 81 years old.  Don was an example of steadiness like few other people I have known.  He almost never seemed angry beyond control.  He had a calming affect on me, even before I even knew I was calming down!

The one thing I always bragged on Don about was, before my wife suckered into marrying me almost 31 years ago, the burner on their cook stove went out.  Don went to the appliance store and was told a new burner would cost $29.95!  Now, I would have gladly paid money to avoid buying a new stove.  But Don said he would pass on the burner!  He went home and melted down an aluminum head from a old push mower, poured the molten aluminum into a mold he built, and built his own burner out of the lawn mower head!  The burner worked fine and Don still had his $29.95!

Don had a way of figuring out a way when the odds were not in his favor.  He always seemed to be in control, even when some hairy, whipper-snapper wanted to marry his 20 year-old daughter!  He ALWAYS was there to help, but never interfered.  The one word I would say that described Don was .......... PROVIDER.  He and his lovely wife Helon, were always there for their children when the need got to be more than we could handle.  Whether financial, emotional, or we just needed advice on how to handle a situation, Don was there every time I asked him for direction.

Our Heavenly Father is like that also.  GOD is always there for us whenever we call upon HIM.  GOD usually waits to hear from us, but HE is ALWAYS there when we call upon HIM.  Why do I try to figure things out on my own?  Why do I want everything to work out in my understanding when GOD already has HIS plan for our lives?  GOD blessed me with a wonderful example of some of HIS greatest characteristics for 30+ years.  My prayer is I will be half the example to my children and grandchildren until HE returns!

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