Monday, January 19, 2015


Hebrews 12:2                           (NASB)
"FIXING OUR EYES" on JESUS, the author and perfecter of faith, WHO for the joy set before HIM endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of GOD.

My eyesight has always been great.  When I was about 40 years old, however, I began to need "readers" (magnifying glasses) as smaller print became more and more out of focus.  The print hadn't changed, my ability to SEE the message hadn't changed, I could see the message was still there, but I couldn't SEE the message that was before me as my eyes could not bring the message into focus.  

As I mature Spiritually, what I SEE when I read scripture continues to CHANGE ME everyday. Yes, the world continues to spiral into Godlessness with everything moving faster and faster.  Maybe the enemy wants us to be so caught up in our lifestyles that we are TOO BUSY to worship the GOD of Creation?  As long as we are "enjoying ourselves" and not worshipping GOD JEHOVAH, the enemy is pleased.

"FIXING OUR EYES" upon the author and perfecter of center-piece of what we believe in is what we are instructed to do in Romans 12.  We can focus on a bigger house, more earthly possessions, being more physically fit, or anything other than "the things of Heaven" and we are fulfilling the enemies purpose.  Revelation 4:11 says “Worthy are YOU, our LORD and our GOD, to receive glory and honor and power; for YOU created all things, and because of YOUR will they existed, AND WERE CREATED.”  In this verse, we are not instructed to admonish the heathen, nor correct the brethren, rather to FIX OUR EYES upon JESUS!  HE is our GOD, and there is no other!  

While it is true the enemy exists and should be recognized, our focus and attention should be "FIXING OUR EYES" upon JESUS, and the things of Heaven!  GOD inhabits our praise!  HE wants nothing more than for us to GLORIFY and MAGNIFY HIS name. When we do that, HE can do what HE promised in Exodus 14:14 when HE told Moses "The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent!!"   GOD doesn't desire us to run around talking about the enemy.  GOD desires us to be "FIXING OUR EYES" upon HIM and let HIM take care of the enemies of our lives!!

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