Saturday, April 16, 2016


Psalms 46:10                      (KJV)
"BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD: I WILL BE EXALTED among the heathen, I WILL BE EXALTED in the earth."

This world does its best to keep us moving at a pace that we cannot SEE the things of GOD, HEAR a Word from GOD, or be led by HIS SPIRIT to glorify HIS Name.  There seems to be a "need for speed" in most everything we do, a need to finish first. Pride in a job well done has been replaced with "I finished first" a lot of the time.  Do we even stop to consider "IF" GOD would be honored in the things we might be doing, or do we move so fast that we are more impressed with our speed of moving than what we have accomplished?

"BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD" in not a "suggestion" for a calmer life, rather a COMMAND to get us on the same wavelength as the Spirit of GOD.  We weren't created to function at the pace required by modern day "successful business organizations", rather we were Created to honor and glorify GOD ALMIGHTY!  Does it surprise you that stress, heart attacks, strokes and suicides are at all time highs?  And we continually strive to be more "successful" according to "this world's" standards??  Are we honoring GOD with a larger home, newer automobiles, more "toys", or longer vacations?  It is fine and dandy to "BE STILL" on the beach or at the movies, but do we think about honoring HIM with "KNOWING THAT HE IS GOD" while enjoying ourselves?

These questions aren't meant to be  accusational, rather observational of my actions!  The "B" portion of the verse says "I WILL BE EXALTED"!  Again, the verse is not a suggestion, but a declaration!   Both among the "heathen", and among the "world"!  GOD is worthy to be Praised (Psalms 96:4; 145:3) and I believe scripture is saying HE WILL BE EXALTED whether we humans do it, or the rocks have to cry out (Luke 19:40)!

"BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD" should be plastered across the foreheads of all Believers" is a quote from a pastor friend.  He is unaware that GOD gave me a Non-Profit named Psalms 46:10 Ministries.   The title of the Non-Profit was because I was in a coma for 17 days in 2007, but slowing my life down has taken GOD most of the eight years since!  Being "in tune" with the SPIRIT of GOD has become PRIMARY in my life.  Don't let it take a brain hemorrhage to get your attention!  "BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD"!!!

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