Sunday, April 3, 2016


1 Thessalonians 5:25                            (ESV)
"Brothers, "PRAY FOR US"!

Many times of late I have witnessed friends and loved ones request "prayers and good thoughts" for someone who is sick, or in need of support during a difficult time.  You would think that if somebody actually believed in their heart that requesting me to approach the CREATOR of the Universe on their behalf was going to happen within the next 24 hours that they would be expecting great results?  But my prayer life apparently isn't strong enough to cause many people to respect, or even fear, a result!

JESUS said in John 14:14 "If you ask me anything in MY name, I will do it".  In the previous verse HE gave a clarification "that the FATHER may be glorified in the SON".  Why don't I live a life so in tune with the desires of the FATHER that people are in awe of the power of GOD in my life?  Don't you figure the enemy is aware that there are very few prayer WARRIORS who know how to lock onto the Throne-room of GOD and lead an onslaught on his armies?  Embarrassment fills me as I consider how much of a Spiritual weakling I must appear to be, not just to the enemy, but to my friends and acquaintances who should be flocking to me to "PRAY FOR US"!

I'm sure that the author of the letter written to the church at Thessalonica (The Apostle Paul) understood that when he closed out his first letter to them what he was asking of them.  If the Apostle Paul were praying for me I would expect GOD to answer, and with authority!  Why then do my prayers not cause the devil to run with fear?  Why when I pray don't the demons run for cover?

James 1:6 says "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind".  Maybe I'm so caught up in this world and earthly things that I never get to the FAITH things that I need to be praying about.  On my prayer list is a quote from a devotional that I read daily that says "Only by choosing NOT TO BE SLAVES to our own reasonings and emotions can we win the battle for our minds and begin hearing the voice of GOD within us".  When we remove our "reasonings and emotions" and begin to pray for HIS will in our lives we begin to see GOD do miraculous things in our lives!

FATHER IN HEAVEN, I pray that when someone requests me to "PRAY FOR US" that satan and his demons will have to start running for cover.  We ALL should be recognized as having the Spirit of GOD living inside of our bodies and that should scare the enemy!  "PRAY FOR US!!"

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