Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Exodus 14:4                    (ESV)
"And "I WILL" harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them, and "I WILL" get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall know that I AM THE LORD." And they did so."

When GOD parted the Red Sea in Exodus 14 it wasn't as if GOD was reacting to an "unfortunate circumstance" with no idea what HE would do next?  In reading the book of Exodus it is abundantly clear that GOD had a Plan and HE WAS GLORIFIED BY THAT PLAN!  GOD declared "I WILL" harden Pharaoh's heart and "I WILL" get glory over Pharaoh and all his hosts!  Pharaoh had already let Israel go from captivity, but he "thought" better of his decision and decided to chase after the Israelites, in spite of GOD's recent, and impending judgement!  Sometimes what we "think" is best turns out being our downfall!  Learning from our trials is SOOOO important!

Scripture never indicates the Israelites asked GOD to send HIS Angel behind them (v.19).  GOD did that in order that HIS Name would be glorified by HIS own actions.  The Israelites certainly didn't deserve to have GOD intervene on their behalf as fear and doubt were observed in their actions (v.11&12) as they watched HIS Plan unfold.  But GOD not only received glory when he delivered HIS children (the Israelites), but HE demonstrated HE was GOD ALMIGHTY over any false god that man, or the devil, could dream up!

HE still demonstrates that for us today.  There are times we don't have enough faith to pray SPECIFICALLY for a definite blessing, but when HE knows we will give HIM glory for all the good we experience, HE acts so our lives will glorify HIM!  It's not all about us or our selfish desires, no matter how self-centered we are, it's about giving glory to the Creator of all with our very existence.

GOD had a Plan (see Exodus 14:4) all along during the exodus from Egypt.  All HE needed was the Israelites "to be silent" (Exodus 14:14) and let HIM be GOD!  HE hasn't changed HIS strategy as HE only needs us to be silent AND TRUST HIM with the results!  GOD has HIS own ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) and and we probably won't understand what HE is doing most of the time.  But we need to TRUST HIM and HIS PLAN in everything and know that "I WILL" shall be there for us.............when HE needs to be............for HIS GLORY!!!

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