Saturday, April 23, 2016


Hebrews 11:6              (ESV)
"And without faith it is impossible to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must believe that HE exists and that HE rewards those who seek HIM."

Recently I saw a memes posted by a friend that read something like "Life doesn't have a remote.  Get up and change it yourself"!  It's  cute saying and it has some truth to it, but looking back I remember trying everything I knew how to live a Holy life, only to continually fail!  Only until I surrendered my life totally and completely to the Spirit of the Living GOD did a lasting change come over me that continues to move me to HIS Throne every day.   GOD has a tremendous amount of work to do, for I was as stubborn and hardheaded as they come, but JESUS said in Matthew 19:26 "......With man this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible!"

In Exodus 14:14 GOD told the Israelites "The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."  GOD didn't need their help in defeating the Egyptians and HE proved that to all present, especially Pharaoh and the Egyptians!  We can't "help" in our salvation either!  GOD took care of paying the price for our salvation when HE turned HIS back on HIS SON, HIS only SON, on Calvary's cross.  Nobody can claim to have assisted in The PLAN, GOD did it all!

There are some who want to say that there "good works" are the reason they should be accepted into heaven.  Or some who believe that joining a church and paying dues (tithes) will do the trick.  But the only thing that will assure entrance into the presence of a HOLY GOD is to have FAITH that "HE EXISTS" and that HE rewards those who seek HIM!   There is nothing I can do to improve or enhance on HIS PLAN.  GOD had this figured out long before mankind was ever created.  HE's is GOD, you know!!

All we can DO is to submit to HIS PLAN for our lives and follow HIS direction of where we should go.  GOD doesn't need me to "get up and change" my life!  HE has proven to me "HE EXISTS" and can control my every breath!  Don't make HIM have to prove it to you.  Submit to "HE EXISTS" before it is eternally too late!!!

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