Monday, April 4, 2016


Proverbs 19:21                               (ESV)
"Many are the plans in the "MIND OF A MAN", but it is the purpose of the LORD that will STAND."

Recently I saw a statement on a social media site saying quite simply "GOD, not you, is in control of all things"!  This simple statement will not leave me alone.  Most of us attempt to be somewhat godlike in our actions in that we try to make things work out in a way that people, especially the ones we love, experience the best outcome.  But even while deliberating this statement/comment in my mind, the "MIND OF A MAN", I can see where GOD has used "difficulties" in my life to draw me closer to HIM throughout my life.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says "For MY thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways MY ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts than your thoughts".  We tend to always believe WE KNOW what s best in life and do our best to "make that happen".  But GOD's Word says to "TRUST HIM", not do what we THINK is reasonable.

So how do we KNOW that we are ding GOD's Will for our lives?  GOD has been known to in times of old to AUDIBLY speak to HIS followers.  But scripture says in Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed to this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWAL of your MIND, that by testing YOU MAY DISCERN WHAT IS THE WILL OF GOD, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  GOD sometimes speaks to us in quiet, soft ways, and sometimes HE has to REALLY get our attention!  From experience, it is usually not pleasant when GOD has to get my attention!  It is much more gratifying when all GOD has to do is speak gently and I respond favorably.

When I was hospitalized in 2007 with the brain hemorrhage, my wife was driving home one night and heard Twila Paris singing "God is in control".  Up until the hemorrhage I had always given every indication that I was in control.  But while I was in the the coma there were days that I wasn't even in control of my own breathing!  Since recovering from the hemorrhage, it is very easy to admit that, without JESUS, this "MIND OF A MAN" isn't qualified for many decisions I formerly made with little, or no, guidance from Heaven.  This "MIND OF A MAN" is yielding to "the purpose of the LORD" for it WILL stand!

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