Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Psalms 37:7            (ESV)
"BE STILL BEFORE THE LORD" and wait patiently for HIM; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!"

The sermon last Sunday at the church I attend was on Exodus 20:17, "Do not covet..."!  Scripture indicates we are not to desire another persons possessions, instead be grateful for what the LORD has blessed us with.  It is rather easy, and sometimes quite tempting, to daydream about living a life of luxury with "no worries" and lots of wealth.  During his recent sermon, our Pastor said life would possibly made simpler IF we KNEW what was ahead of us, what we could expect, as it kept our focus on THE PRIZE all believers have in JESUS CHRIST.  As Christians, we CAN know what lies ahead of us!  Scripture reveals it to us!

My "WAR ROOM PRAYER LIST" begins with the following statement from a devotional I read one time, "Only by choosing NOT TO BE SLAVES to our own reasonings and emotions can we win the battle for our minds and begin hearing the voice of GOD within us."  When we cease being so concerned about "our own reasonings and emotions" we can begin to draw closer to HIS guidance and leadership in our lives.  When we CHOOSE hearing from GOD over our own thoughts and desires, a certain PEACE transforms our lives into what we are designed by GOD to accomplish.

Most are aware that GOD placed Psalms 46:10 in my heart following the brain hemorrhage.  But Psalms 37:7 is almost as impactful in my life, as it instructs me to "wait patiently for HIM" and HIS blessings to fill your life.  We can, and I often find myself trying to, get so busy trying to "do THINGS" for THE LORD that we can't hear from HIM about HIS PLAN for our lives.  GOD isn't interested in competing with our selfish wishes and desires only to see us cease communing with HIM.  Our goals and desires should be to SERVE HIM and to do HIS will!  When we "covet" our attention has shifted from our CREATOR to HIS creation.  Exodus 34:14 says GOD is a jealous god, and HE should not compete for our affection!

FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to "BE STILL BEFORE THE LORD" and to keep my eyes focused on what YOU would have me do to glorify YOUR Kingdom.  It is awfully tempting at times to look at the worldly success of others and how we think YOUR Kingdom could benefit from the same manner of success.  Remind us to "BE STILL BEFORE THE LORD" and get our own specific instructions for our lives to perform the tasks YOU will be most glorified in.

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