Friday, April 1, 2016


Philippians 2:12-13                        (ESV)
"12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,
13 for it is GOD who works in you, both to will and to work for "HIS GOOD PLEASURE!"

Behind every observed action of mankind there is a Divine Plan that is being fulfilled.  There are times when I do things in haste, sometimes with little or no prayer, and GOD uses it for "HIS GOOD PLEASURE"!  When the dust is settled and I am able look back and see HIS handiwork, awe and amazement (and sometimes a fear tears!) flood my head.  When you find GOD all over your seemingly minuscule efforts it sometimes can shake you to your core!

During the years of 1999-2007 I was EXTREMELY busy!  I served on various boards and commissions, all in the name of community service.   While serving on our local school board I was asked by a fellow board member to write a letter to our United States Senator in an effort to get a physician approved to come to a local hospital.  He was in the United States on an 0-1 Visa which evidently required a U.S. Senator signing off on it.  During this time I also served as the chairman of the local Republican Party, and in doing so was Chairman of the re-election campaign for the same U.S. Senator.  I wrote the letter on August 15, 2002 and faxed it to Washington D.C. and promptly filed it away.

Of course, on July 09, 2007 I awoke experiencing a "massive brain hemorrhage" and spent 52 days hospitalized.  Being unable to work for two years, my belongings were packed up and sent home with me.  On July 1, 2009 we were able to purchase our insurance office from the previous owner and so the moving my "stuff"  back to the office commenced.

One afternoon I came in to the office and my wife told me to sit down, that she had something she needed me to see, and that I had to sit down to read it.  It didn't take long for me to understand her reasoning.  The doctor that I wrote the letter in support of turned out to be the Neurologist assigned to me when my hemorrhage occurred in 2007!  There are somethings you just can't make up!  When I regained my composure after crying profusely that afternoon, I carried the letter to the physician's office and let him make a copy of it!  He was shocked, I was shocked, but GOD's PLAN usually shocks those involved!

Now, do you see why I am such a zealot for HIM and "HIS GOOD PLEASURE"?  Certainly there was no indication I would need any doctor is 2002, let alone a Neurologist!  But GOD knew!  GOD knew I would recover nicely, would return to work in just under two years, and would give HIM unshared glory for as long as I breath life into this body!  So often I write that GOD has a PLAN and I am so glad HIS PLAN called for me to experience "HIS GOOD PLEASURE" in my life.

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