Friday, May 5, 2017


1 Thessalonians 7:16-18                  (ESV)
"16 Rejoice always,
17 pray without ceasing,
18 "GIVE THANKS" in all circumstances; for this is the will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS for you."

This morning I am caused to slow my life down enough to SEE how blessed I truly am.   Getting the report that I did Wednesday afternoon from the Heart Surgeon REALLY is an eye-opener.   When you SEE where you COULD have been versus where you are right now, lamenting about the hand you have been dealt just doesn't make sense!  Except for GOD's grace, I could be a slave in the wildest African jungles.  Sure, my selfish, egotistical desires want to compare my life to a Billionaire's son, but GOD knew that humility and servant hood would be best taught to me from where I currently reside, not through wealth and fortune!

The notes on/in my Bible app are there to remind me of lessons I have learned.  This morning on verse 17 the following notes have been written:  "Pray?  Or Commune with GOD? Commune-World English Dictionary- intimate conversation; exchange of thoughts.   We are to "Unceasingly have intimate conversation with the Creator of the Universe"!  ". When I am having these "intimate conversations" with GOD ALMIGHTY and HE speaks to me to remain "humble", I am immediately caused to recollect the Brain Hemorrhage of 2007, and now the heart surgery of last month, and how GOD has manifested HIMSELF so mightily in both happenings.  How can I ignore what GOD has taught, and continues to teach, me during these "illnesses"?  

When we "GIVE THANKS" IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES it becomes clear rather quickly that we "deserve" the cross of Calvary.  There is nothing that I could have done to warrant living in a nation that allows me to worship and celebrate The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  And yet HE continues to keep me on HIS Plan of deliverance for my life.  

LORD IN HEAVEN, cause me to SEE that although I may appear to be wandering through the Wilderness at times, YOU go before me with a Cloud and Pillar guiding me where YOU choose for me to go.   If YOU desire to get Glory through illness or trials, I am willing.  Whatever I am called to do, I will "GIVE THANKS" and let YOUR NAME be elevated above all names!!!

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