Thursday, May 18, 2017

"the LORD!"

Psalms 118:7-9                               (ESV)
"7 "The LORD" is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me. 
8 It is better to take refuge in "the LORD" than to trust in man. 
9 It is better to take refuge in "the LORD" than to trust in princes."

Shortly after Barak Obama was elected President it seemed "this world" tried to capitalize on his fame by sending emails and advertising claiming to give anything and everything because he had been elected President.  Donald Trump was elected in November of last year and he has replaced the former President as the answer for all our woes!  In all fairness, neither man probably had anything to do with the "marketing" of the name or position, it's just some greedy people who care more about profits than their company than hearing from ALMIGHTY GOD.  

There are all kinds of opinions as to whether either leader has any abilities to LEAD the United States out of the rain.  Your opinion can be shared other places, but this is not the place to get into that, for neither exhibits the traits that "the LORD" has.  Proclaiming that this one or that one has better qualities than another is comparing them to humans, and will wind up disappointing in the end.  Only placing a person against "the LORD" will render a TRUE depiction of who they really are and what their agenda is trying to accomplish.  

But most prefer not to be compared to perfection, for our flaws are so well pronounced.  GOD ALMIGHTY designed a Plan to overcome our inadequacies, but we must surrender to living our lives for "the LORD"!  John 17:23 says "I in them and YOU in ME, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that YOU sent ME and loved them even as YOU loved ME."  The only hope I have is for a HOLY GOD to control my life and to gain Glory for HIMSELF by doing so.  

There's not a one of us who has done, nor will ever do, anything worthy of consideration for Heaven.  When I stand before GOD ALMIGHTY and HE inquiries what I have done worthy of entering Heaven, my only reply shall be that "the LORD" paid for my ticket!  

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