Monday, May 15, 2017


Philippians 3:18-21                      (ESV)
"18 For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of CHRIST.
19 Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.
20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a SAVIOR, the LORD JESUS CHRIST,
21 who will transform our lowly body to be like HIS glorious body, by the power that enables HIM even to subject all things to HIMSELF." 

An "immigrant" is defined by one dictionary as "a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence".  Typically, an immigrant is  someone who has yet to become familiar with or accustomed to the lifestyle of a resident.  A lot of times the immigrant has customs and habits from their "home" country instilled in them that just come out, no matter how much they attempt to hide them.  

The scripture above tells about those who have made their home in "this world".  In verse 18 scripture says they "walk as enemies of the cross of CHRIST.  Their end is destruction,...." and all they are worried about is "this world" and what they can increase their wealth inside "this world".  Even those who aren't Spiritual beings admit that "you can't take it with you", but that doesn't preclude them from trying to amass more and more "stuff" to leave for someone else to be concerned with when their time is through.  

BELIEVERS on the other hand should understand that their "citizenship is in heaven" and we should have an "immigrant" status emblazoned upon our foreheads.  Since "GOD IS SPIRIT" (John 4:24), we should live as though we are foreigners in "this world" just passing through on our way to our "permanent residence"!  It's extremely tempting to get earthly things in our eyesight and allow them to begin controlling our thoughts.  GOD ALMIGHTY has to remind me constantly that I only have a short time left in "this world" to Glorify HIS Name, and I don't need to allow the enemy any footholds in my life!

The "LORD JESUS CHRIST" will remove all doubt and questions when HE returns to earth.  HE promised HE would rise from the dead, and HE did!  HE promised HE would come back to earth, and HE will!  Do you think that all of the wealth and possessions will make any difference on that day?  Do you think that earthly power or position will count for anything?  Only a relationship with the "LORD JESUS CHRIST" will deliver us from the wrath of GOD at the Judgement!  Then what will we do with our wealth and possessions???

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