Thursday, May 4, 2017


2 Timothy 4:3-4                          (ESV)
"3 For the time is coming when people will NOT ENDURE not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they WILL ACCUMULATE for themselves teachers to "SUIT THEIR OWN PASSIONS",
4 and WILL TURN AWAY FROM LISTENING TO THE TRUTH and wander off into myths."

More and more it appears that "this world" not only doesn't like listening to "the TRUTH", it doesn't want the church to hear "the TRUTH"!  Things that the HOLY BIBLE leaves no doubt about being wrong, "this world" wants to say are fine and that we need to evolve with the times.  

ALMIGHTY GOD doesn't change, nor will HE change, and we can't rewrite the BIBLE to soothe our ""itchy ears"!  When the people find "teachers" who will "SUIT THEIR OWN PASSIONS", their followers may be many, but they won't be be grounded and withstand the heat of the day when exposed!  

It is in love I tell you that if your only exposure to the SPIRIT OF GOD is what you receive in a sermon on Sunday morning, your root system may not be adequately developed?  Don't let "this world" dictate how deeply into GOD's WORD you cultivate.  While others are "SUITING THEIR OWN PASSIONS", may we be growing a root system that will endure the trials that may come our way!!!

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