Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Psalms 37:25                           (ESV)
"I have been young, and "NOW AM OLD"", yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread."

How "old" is "old"?  Looking at life through the eyes of a child brings a totally different perspective than from being older.  When we are "restrained", such as in a hospital bed, to where we can't operate in the same realm we are accustomed to, we are forced to look at life through a different lens than we normally do.  Recently being "restrained" caused me to realize that I "NOW AM OLD" and I can't operate any longer as I did when I was younger.  My physical body will not perform as it did 30 years ago!

Hopefully my Spiritual body is maturing as rapidly as this physical shell that it is assigned to?  Do you think that ALMIGHTY GOD designed us to not be able to physically perform at the same level we did when we were younger in our "golden years"?  When I was in my 20's I would say that I was going to play outfield (referring to softball) until I was 50 years old and then begin pitching!  Of course, my sons came along and being a father was more important than the accolades of playing games, so my plans changed!  

My family has never been "wealthy", but we have always had food and water and a place to lay out head!  And occasionally we have been able to assist others who didn't have as much as we did.  ALMIGHTY GOD takes care of our needs and has allowed us to help others HE directs to our path so we can display HIS love in our actions.  

My prayer is that one day, before my time is completed on this earth, ALMIGHTY GOD will see fit to bless us with the resources to bless others HE directs us to.  Until then, we will glory in becoming "NOW AM OLD" and that HE is the only reason I "NOW AM OLD"!  Heaven knows, my journey so far has been filled with GOD's Hand being all over my feeble existence!!

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