Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Psalms 119:11-15                                                 (ESV)
"11 I have stored up YOUR word in my heart, that I might not sin against YOU. 
12 Blessed are YOU, O LORD; teach me YOUR statutes! 
13 With my lips I declare all the rules of YOUR mouth. 
14 In the way of YOUR testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. 
15 I will meditate on YOUR precepts and fix "MY EYES ON YOUR WAYS"."

This morning as another day begins I am thinking that at the end of this day how many lives will be forever changed?  There are many people who know of uncertainties in their lives, still others who have no idea what is about to come about for them that could change their lives dramatically!  A medical diagnosis, a relationship changing, a career adjustment?  There are so many uncertainties in life that we sometimes presume ARE set in stone and plan our future accordingly. 

Almost 10 years ago I was planning on going down a path in my life that truly excited me, until I awoke with my Brain Hemorrhaging!  Of course, the plans I had were scratched as surviving became my focus. About three and a half weeks ago I planned on going to early church the next morning and participating in the Lords Supper.  The night before I was admitted to the hospital with chest pains, and once again the plans I had were scratched!  

Already I've seen many people today who are battling disease, struggling with relationships, having financial difficulties, and basically struggling with life who need answers.  One of my favorite quotes is from former President Ronald Reagan who said "Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face."  When I try to figure out a plan for GOD, I usually mess it all up with what only man can do. When GOD lays out a Plan, it usually consists of things ONLY HE can accomplish.  Whether it is health related, finance related, relationship issues, job problems, or whatever problem you may be facing, GOD already has a Plan and HE wants to share it with you!

My thick skull constantly wants to insert my thoughts and ideas into GOD's Plan to "make it work better"?  But my plans have already proven faulty time and again.   GRACIOUS LORD, cause me to fix "MY EYES UPON YOUR WAYS" and not look at what I want to "make it work better"! 

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