Thursday, May 25, 2017


John 4:24                             (ESV)
"GOD IS SPIRIT", and those who worship HIM must worship in spirit and truth."

There was a recent message on a social media site that basically said "If we prayed for people instead of making snide remarks...."!  Typically we want to see someone receive retribution for their actions that we don't agree with.  But do we understand that GOD ALMIGHTY IS IN CONTROL and HE doesn't necessarily work in ways we understand.  HE could be working to change their heart in ways we don't SEE???

Imagine living in the time of the Apostle Paul?  He was known for his brutal treatment of people who were following "the Way" (Acts 9:2).  There would probably be those who were contemplating different methods to interrupt his actions.  But GOD ALMIGHTY had a Plan for Saul and would use him as "a chosen instrument of MINE to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel".  (Acts 9:15).  

Because "GOD IS SPIRIT" means that fleshly men aren't meant to understand HIS methods or actions.  Isaiah 55:8-9 says in part "....MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts than your thoughts."!  So if we KNOW HE is working "all things work together for good" for us, why would we want to intervene in HIS Perfect Plan???

Could it be that I am so self-centered in my thoughts that I fail to SEE that GOD has this already worked out for HIS good?  Could HIS Plan be already working in my favor and I just have to wait for it to be put into place?  Oh HOLY GOD, forgive me for not SEEING that "GOD IS SPIRIT" and that YOUR Plans are perfect and my selfish desires will only lead to a mess!!!

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