Friday, May 19, 2017


John 3:16-17                              (ESV)
"16 "For "GOD SO LOVED" the world, that HE GAVE gave HIS ONLY SON, that whoever believes in HIM should not perish but have eternal life.
17 For GOD did not send his SON into the world TO CONDEMN THE WORLD, but in order that the world might be saved through HIM."

How many times do we dream of writing a book about our disobedience to GOD ALMIGHTY and the repercussions of doing so.  Generally speaking, I would rather speak of how I follow HIS guidance and direction in my life rather than discussing my choice of doing things on my own.  King David is one of the most publicized examples of displaying his faults in scripture.  Yet, King David was a man after GOD's own heart, attempting to live his life as a testimony to serving HIM.  

There is no human that can exhibit a sinless life, no matter how hard he tries.  GOD knew before creation that mankind would need a Savior to provide redemption for our sinful nature, and HE created us anyway because of HIS great love.  Genesis 1:27 says "So GOD created man in HIS own "image" (or reflection), in the image of GOD HE created him; male and female HE created them."  Despite what some people may think, mankind wasn't created to be gods!  Scripture even states in Isaiah 42:8 that "I am the LORD; that is MY NAME; MY glory I give to no other, nor MY praise to carved idols."  So as much as we want to think we are "in charge" of what is going on in our lives, GOD is ultimately in control, we are here for HIS Glory!

We always seem to celebrate our personal achievements, such as graduation from school, getting a new car, or maybe a new job, but how many times do we give praise to the ONE WHO gives us breath everyday to live?  HE is the ONE that we are made "in the image" of, so why do we as mirrors try to accept any Glory?  

I will be 57 years old soon, and it is finally beginning to sink in that it's a lot more than me getting recognition for things that GOD ALMIGHTY has accomplished in my life, FOR HIS GLORY!  If I have WRONGED someone it is totally and completely my fault!  It I have "reflected" HIS GOODNESS to anyone, it is simply because "GOD SO LOVED" and I am just reflecting HIS characteristics in my life!  

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