Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Isaiah 43:1;7                         (ESV)
"But now thus says the LORD, HE WHO CREATED YOU, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, "YOU ARE MINE"."

My spirit has been moved recently by a point made by the pastor of the fellowship I attend.  He said something like one of the greatest deficiencies of the modern day church is praying to the Heavenly Father like we should.  I carried that thought to my meditation chamber and the list of emotions it causes is humbling.  

The Creator of the Universes loved us so much that HE sent HIS SON to live a sinless life so we could have unlimited access to HIS Throne room, and we respond by barely acknowledging HIM in our daily lives.   Most people are so caught up with the existence in "this world" that we fail to even acknowledge our CREATOR, WHO IS SPIRIT (John 4:24), and communicate with HIM on a frequent basis.  Some are so BUSY trying to get ahead in "this (temporary) world" that they never even consider that we are placed on earth for a purpose in the first place, to Glorify HIM and not ourselves!

Do you really think that GOD created us to see how much money we could make in the allotted time we are given?  Can you imagine getting to Heaven and their being a Divine bookkeeper who determines whether or not we have "enough" to enter in?  Then why do we put so much emphasis on acquiring earthly wealth when we should realize that it won't do us any good where we are going?  

The SPIRIT OF GOD isn't impressed by how big our bank accounts are, or how much we give to our favorite charity, or anything related to "this world"!  Isaiah 43:7 says "everyone who is called by my name, WHOM I CREATED FOR MY GLORY, whom I formed and made."  FATHER IN HEAVEN, may I be more focused on YOU and YOUR statutes than the things of "this world"!  Cause me to remember that "YOU ARE MINE" and our purpose is to Glorify YOU and not ourselves!!!

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