Tuesday, May 23, 2017


2 Corinthians 4:4-7                    (ESV)
"4 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of CHRIST, WHO is the IMAGE OF GOD.
5 For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but JESUS CHRIST as LORD, with ourselves as your servants for JESUS' sake.
6 For GOD, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of GOD in the face of JESUS CHRIST."

When GOD fills a hunger with only what HE is able to provide, there is nothing that can compare to the satisfaction.   Acknowledging that HE has created us and only HE knows what will satisfy our souls is part of worshipping HIM.  Knowing that HE so intimately knows us (better than we know ourselves) and can fulfill our needs to a precise degree is a humbling thing.  

What are your "needs"?  Most of us confuse our desires with what we really "need" when evaluating our lives.  We THINK we need a nice home, a fine automobile, all of the finer things in life.   But then you are faced with maybe a serious health issue and your "needs" seem to change immediately.   And then you begin to break things down even further and you realize that life on "this world" is NOT what it's all cracked up to be and you NEED to prepare for the afterlife.  Ultimately, when it is all boiled down to the essentials, we only need to have a relationship with THE ETERNAL GOD and let HIM take care of everything else!  

My "vision" tends to get clouded with things from "this world" and not things that really matter most.  In 2 Corinthians 4 the Apostle Paul writes that the people of "this world" have their minds blinded by the god of "this world" and cannot SEE the things of the "glory of CHRIST, WHO is the "IMAGE OF GOD"."  Hating to admit it, I too have chosen to be blinded by the enemy at times in my life.  When I begin to gaze more upon what "this world" offers than what THE LORD has planned for my life, I always get off track. 

Why do I allow myself to slip back into captivity?  I have been rescued by the sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST on Calvary, and yet I am having my vision obscured by the things of "this world"!  Only GOD ALMIGHTY can fulfill the needs I have, and I don't need to let my vision be clouded by the enemy.  The things of "this world" can't compare to the "IMAGE OF GOD" no matter how much the enemy tries to convince me otherwise.  Keeping the "IMAGE OF GOD" in my target zone is the healthiest choice I could ever make!

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