Friday, August 25, 2017


Isaiah 44:18                             (ESV)
"They know not, nor do they discern, for HE has shut their eyes, so that they cannot see, and their hearts, so that they cannot understand."

There is so much "noise" cluttering the minds of the people of "this world" that many of them can't carry on an intelligent conversation because they don't have any TRUTH in their Spiritual arsenal.  It is with great sadness that I witness almost daily comments from seemingly educated people who have absolutely no balance in their Spiritual bank account.   When you attempt to explain the most basic principles to them, they can't SEE the forest for the trees!  

In the scripture above, Isaiah is speaking about people who have their own gods, people who are so busy worshipping gods of comfort and ease that they don't have time to humble themselves before a SPIRIT named YAHWEH!  The enemy manifests himself through our friends, yet we choose not to identify him.  JESUS readily recognized satan when he was hiding behind Peter (Matthew 16:23; Luke 4:8) and told him "Get the behind me satan"!  Yet I am so blinded by enemy that I allow him to masquerade as others and push his actions as theirs!

There comes a time when we all need to withdraw and evaluate ourselves.  Are we just filling the time of each day we have been granted by our CREATOR, or do we have a purpose to fulfill?  Am I doing anything to advance the Kingdom of GOD?  Or am I so caught up with the things of "this world" that I am "too busy" to let Spiritual matters play a part in my life??

With these things on my mind, I will be signing off of social media for awhile, until I get clearance from the HOLY SPIRIT to return.  It might be a few days, or it might be a few weeks, but one thing is for certain, I desperately need to have my SPIRIT renewed daily from ABOVE!  Please pray for me that GOD ALMIGHTY will do a work in my life that will honor and glorify only HIM!  

If you need me, email me at or   

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Proverbs 11:25                         (ESV)
"Whoever brings "BLESSING" will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”

Growing up I was exposed to many lessons that I didn't realize until I became older.  My grandfather wasn't blessed with a tremendous amount of book knowledge, yet he was one of the best gardeners I've ever been exposed to.  He would water some of his plants really well, and the surrounding plants would reap the benefits of the watering, not necessarily because they needed watering, but just because they were around where the watering was going on!

Being around the one who is receiving a "BLESSING"  is a "BLESSING" in and of itself.  But just as plants benefit from water being used to nourish neighboring plants, you can experience growth from the water that others are getting.  The "BLESSING" comes from the LORD, but sometimes we just have to be where HIS "BLESSING" is being dispensed! 

In my younger days I was diligently searching for the WAY that I needed to be going.   Finances were extremely tight and I was needing direction on which way l needed to move.  After going to a quiet place one day, I came home was given an envelope that came in the mail that day.  Inside the envelope was $100 cash!  My wife asked who I thought sent it and I replied, "I'm not sure who HE used, but I know WHO sent it"!!!  

There is nothing like being where GOD can send a "BLESSING" your way, UNLESS you are the one used to send the "BLESSING"!  Don't try putting limits on what GOD is capable of doing with your life.   HE can do ALL THINGS that draw honor and glory to HIS NAME!!  BE A "BLESSING"!!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


1 Corinthians 3:1-3                        (ESV)
"1 But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in CHRIST.
2 I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready,
3 for you are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not "OF THE FLESH" and behaving only in a human way?"

Ten years ago, while I was in the Rehabilitation Hospital recovering from the Brain Hemorrhage, I had extensive help in redeveloping my "word-recall".  Since the Brain Hemorrhage was the the portion of my brain that controls the words a person uses to make sentences, I had to re-educate myself on how to select correct wording to express myself.  Ten years later, I still am working on that!  

The Apostle Paul had to deal with possibly an even more frustrating phenomenon.  Although I was a 47 year old man who had lost his capabilities of forming sentences correctly, Paul was dealing with Believers who had never developed the knowledge, nor maturity, to understand a mature Spiritual conversation.   They were, in fact, SPIRITUAL INFANTS!  While the Apostle Paul could SEE that some people were too immature to understand in depth Spiritual matters, he understood that some people had to be fed "milk", so "milk" was the only thing on their diet.  

All people have to be fed a diet that they can digest. Some people have a desire to know the more weighty Spiritual matters, but we cannot digest that which our systems can't process.  There are a LOT of things that I have to say that I'm just not ready to process and trust that I will grow to the point that GOD can reveal it to me.  The Apostle Paul had a gift for SEEING Spiritual immaturity and being able to feed milk as well as solid food.  I might not be as gifted as I need to be to minister to all who need to HEAR.  

Being "OF THE FLESH" is something we all have to mature from.  No adult got to where they are without growing pains.  Helping others get out "OF THE FLESH" can be a blessing from GOD, both to the helper and the person receiving the help.  HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to SEE the need, and the person in need, and YOUR SOLUTION to move them to a Biblical understanding of getting out "OF THE FLESH"!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


2 Peter 1:16-21                                       (ESV)
"16 For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, but we were eyewitnesses of HIS majesty.
17 For when HE received honor and glory from GOD the FATHER, and the voice was borne to HIM by the Majestic Glory, "This is MY beloved SON, with WHOM I AM well pleased,"
18 we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with HIM on the holy mountain.
19 And we have the "PROPHETIC WORD" more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts,
20 knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.
21 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from GOD as they were carried along by the HOLY SPIRIT."

To fully understand that a truly "PROPHETIC WORD" comes ALMIGHTY GOD, yet is delivered to AND from imperfect people who GOD uses for HIS Glory, was one of the most difficult things that I have ever tried to wrap my mind around.  GOD sometimes uses imperfect humans to deliver HIS messages to other imperfect humans to Glorify to HIMSELF!  There has only been ONE Holy person ever, and HE sacrificed HIS life so we could experience eternal life through FAITH in HIM!

Just because someone claims to have a "PROPHETIC WORD" doesn't mean that they actually have a "PROPHETIC WORD".  A "PROPHETIC WORD" was NEVER "produced by the will of man", rather it came "from GOD the FATHER" WHO allows HIS servants to disseminate the TRUTH of HIS WORD!  The "PROPHETIC WORD" above says we "will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place"!  

There are modern day people who are moving to quickly to listen for a "PROPHETIC WORD".  Psalms 46:10, "BE STILL, and know that I AM GOD", is not a suggestion on how to live a more peaceful life.  It is a requirement to get on the same wavelength as GOD THE FATHER and download HIS wisdom and mercy.  

One article I was reading this morning said this:
We may not actually "hear" the voice of God, but He speaks to us in many ways. Here are some of them:
  • God speaks through His Word
  • God speaks through our thoughts
  • God speaks through conversations with others
  • God speaks through circumstances
I need to realize that ALMIGHTY GOD can speak to me through even a donkey (Numbers 22:21-39), IF I AM PREPARED TO LISTEN TO HIM.  

HEAVENLY FATHER. cause me to be in tune with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT and ever be listening for YOUR "PROPHETIC WORD"!  

Monday, August 21, 2017


Mark 14:35-36                                      (ESV)
"35 And going a little farther, HE fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from HIM.
36 And he said, "Abba, FATHER, all things are possible for YOU. Remove this cup from me. Yet NOT WHAT I WILL, but "WHAT YOU WILL"."

Hearing from GOD is one of the greatest blessings a Believer will experience in this life.      When GOD speaks, there is no mistaking whether it was HIS voice!  There was a sermon preached one day where the preacher said "I'm sure that when GOD spoke "this world" into existence, in itself if was "BIG BANG", seemingly confirming the "BIG BANG" theory.   However, far too often we only want to HEAR from GOD when HE is saying what we desire to hear from HIM.  

In listening to Dr. Charles Stanley recently, one of his sermons contained the words "LORD, just speak to my Heart"!  How many times do I begin my "quiet time" with a flurry of begging for "what I want", instead of praying for GOD's Will to be performed in my life?  JESUS, the SON OF GOD, prayed for HIS cup to be removed from HIM.  Surely GOD loves HIS SON enough to grant HIS request to prevent HIM from suffering because I had sin in my life?  But JESUS didn't get HIS request.  Instead HE suffered punishment too gruesome to be written about culminating with separation from THE FATHER, something HE had never experienced, EVER!!!

Are we afraid to say "WHAT YOU WILL" be done with my life because we FEAR THE UNKNOWN and what GOD will require of us?  Scripture says repeatedly for us to HAVE FAITH IN GOD, but how many times do we fully and completely TRUST IN HIM?  If we TRUST IN HIM, shouldn't we willingly pray "WHAT YOU WILL" instead of telling our CREATOR what we want?  HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to surrender to YOUR WILL and to forever be submissive to "WHAT YOU WILL" for my life!!!

Saturday, August 19, 2017


2 Timothy 3:1-5                    (ESV)
"1 But understand this, that IN THE LAST DAYS there will come times of difficulty.

It seems everyone, including the Pastors of many churches, has an opinion about the discontent and turmoil currently going on in "this world"!  I am currently studying (for about 4 months now) "identifying and recognizing" the enemy, and I'm thinking THIS is a perfect opportunity!!

President Ronald Reagan once said "Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face."   But I hardly see ANY references to scripture on what the solution is.  We need to realize that the closer we get to the Second Coming, scripture indicates the more wicked the behavior of mankind will become. 

Don't be surprised by the actions of modern mankind.  They are only doing what GOD has said they would do.   HE even said to the Pharisees that "You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of GOD!"  The Pharisees were regarded BY SOME to be authorities on Scriptures!  JESUS was the WORD and HE knew they didn't know it! 

"IN THE LAST DAYS" people will act like the fives verses above say they will!   The WORD OF GOD IS TRUTH!  Know it!  Live it!  A WHOLE LOT of people are going to be shocked when the trumpet sounds very soon!  But we who KNOW the WORD are looking and watching with GREAT EXPECTATIONS!!!  

Friday, August 18, 2017


Isaiah 45:22                              (ESV)
""Turn to ME and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For "I AM GOD", and there is no other."

From time to time I get "distracted" by events of life that, in the end, will make no difference at all.  The enemy is able to cause my attention to be placed on something other than the LORD and I get caught up arguing a fruitless argument with no eternal benefit for the Kingdom.  There is an alternative and that is to "Turn to ME and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For "I AM GOD", and there is no other!"

In the NASB version of the BIBLE, Genesis 3:1 says that the serpent was "more crafty" than any other beast of the field which the LORD GOD had made.  In other words, he was able to "snooker" Adam and Eve into listening to him instead of worshipping ALMIGHTY GOD!  When they should have had their eyes on GOD, the enemy tried to convince them that he was smarter than GOD and his way was better than GOD's way!  It didn't matter that he was wrong, just that he got them to listen to and believe his version of truth and they would follow him.  

Satan's objective is still to get our minds off the things of GOD, and on worldly things.  As long as he has our focus on whatever the headlines are today, he knows that our minds can't be set on what GOD prefers them to be on.   We must remember that "I AM GOD" will not be shared with any other god we try elevating to HIS level.  When we are focused on "I AM GOD", then we can "turn to ME and be saved"!  

Being successful in "this world " usually demands us to be moving at a pace that precludes listening to THE FATHER.   The enemy is being successful if he keeps our attention on anything besides what GOD has for us!  We have to decide whether we will listen to "I AM GOD", or will we listen to the lies offered by the devil.  One offers eternal life, the other offers nothing!   As for me and my house, we will listen to "I AM GOD"!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


James 1:26-27                                        (ESV)
"26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.
27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to "KEEP ONESELF UNSTAINED" from the world."

There is much concern these days about what "others" are saying or doing with the lives they are assigned bo ALMIGHTY GOD.  But I've not seen a lot of articles about personal failures and shortcomings.  It seems it is a lot easier to identify and offer commentary on other people's lives than to humble ourselves before a MIGHTY GOD and change our own selves.  

Obviously, there are some whose calling requires that they deliver a message from GOD to correct and improve the lives of those who GOD puts in their care.  But GOD is very selective about who HE calls, and some who claim to be leaders aren't "called" by the ALMIGHTY to be leaders.  They are trying to fill a position that they aren't equipped for.   

Others are in "the church" but are always busy trying to clean other people's lives when their own life has plenty of clutter to be addressed.  In the scripture above James instructs us to "KEEP ONESELF UNSTAINED" from the world, not to worry about everyone else!  My closet is so filthy that it keeps me busy trying to keep it clean and I don't have time to be offering commentary on the state of others rooms. 

I'm no psychologist or psychiatrist, but from my humble observation over the past few years it appears that the people most qualified to offer advice on how to improve the lives of others are generally the last to offer the advice?  Maybe it's because they are busy trying to "KEEP ONESELF UNSTAINED" and not trying to solve the problems that surround us?  

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Acts 17:10-11                           (ESV)
"10 The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue. 
11 Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, "EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY" to see if these things were so."

A dear friend of mine told me about the Berean Believers many years ago and how they relied solely on the WORD OF GOD to verify what they were hearing from men.  They didn't rely on the opinions of man or ministers, rather they were "EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY" for TRUTH!  This practice has been so instrumental in helping me Spiritually grow that I've never forgotten how the people of 50-100 years after JESUS was crucified divided TRUTH from heresy.  

Imagine if you will how the enemy so wanted to muddy the waters as much as he could and mislead as many people as possible.  Satan must have "thought" he had JESUS right where he wanted HIM when JESUS appeared defeated in death, hell and the grave, yet then HE overcame and completed redemptions plan!  Even today the enemy still tries to insert a counterfeit religion making people believe that he is just as much truth as JESUS.  

Unless we are "EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY" and report accurately what we find to be TRUTH, we run the risk of being used to fabricate things that we want to be in scripture, and NOT what truly is in scripture.  The enemy is known as the great deceiver and he likes nothing better than to sprinkle in a little lie to ruin the whole truth!  LORD, cause me to be guilty of "EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY" in search of the TRUTH and settle for nothing less!!!

Monday, August 14, 2017


John 8:1-11                                               (ESV)
"1 but JESUS went to the Mount of Olives.
2 Early in the morning HE came again to the temple. All the people came to HIM, and HE sat down and taught them.
3 The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst
4 they said to HIM, "Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery.
5 Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. SO WHAT DO YOU SAY?"
6 This they said to test HIM, that they might have some charge to bring against HIM. JESUS bent down and wrote with HIS finger on the ground.
7 And as they continued to ask HIM, HE stood up and said to them, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her."
8 And once more HE bent down and wrote on the ground.
9 But when "THEY HEARD IT", they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and JESUS was left alone with the woman standing before HIM.
10 JESUS stood up and said to her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"
11 She said, "No one, LORD." And JESUS said, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more."

Since scripture "goes there", we shouldn't gloss over the point that in John 8:1 JESUS went to the Mount of Olives, presumably to be alone with GOD.  Although HE was GOD in the flesh, HE had to constantly be prepared for battling satan as the enemy was doing everything he could to interrupt GOD'S PERFECT PLAN!  If JESUS HIMSELF needed to spend time alone with THE FATHER, shouldn't we spend more time alone with HIM????

There used to be a saying when I was growing up that said something like "When you point your finger at someone, you usually have three fingers pointing back at you"!   That may have been a more modern way of saying what was spoken by JESUS 2,000+ years ago.  The only miscalculation the scribes and Pharisees made was that JESUS was no ordinary MAN and HE would not be caught in the "word games" that humans so often use to their benefit.  

According to an article written by Dr. Adrian Rogers, the chief attribute of GOD is HIS Holiness.  He wrote "If God were to let one half of one sin go unpunished, God would no longer be holy. The chief attribute of God is not love—it is holiness."  JESUS, knowing GOD had to judge this lady's sin, did NOT condemn her for her sins.  She might have been guilty of numerous sins, but JESUS said "Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more."  No one knows if she lived a sinless life from that day forward, but she wasn't condemned for anything that she had done up to that day!

The thing that I cannot get past is that when JESUS started writing on the dirt, the scribes and Pharisees very quietly began to leave the group of accusers!  There has been much speculation about what JESUS was writing on the ground, but I find it interesting that whatever HE wrote made them cease their accusations and leave the "mob"!  JESUS was simply writing on the ground, but "THEY HEARD IT" in their hearts SO PROFOUNDLY that they had to leave the presence of HIS HOLINESS!  

If we aren't careful we can get caught up with the "mob" the enemy is gathering amongst us and have our sinful lifestyles displayed for the entire world to SEE!  We don't want our sins broadcast so loud that "THEY HEARD IT", so we need to allow the HOLY SPIRIT to convict others of their sins, AND US OF OUR SINS!  Very seldom does GOD use a "mob" approach to make sure "THEY HEARD IT"!  HE speaks to hearts ONE BY ONE when "THEY HEARD IT"!!!

Friday, August 11, 2017


John 12:36-43                                           (ESV)
"36 While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light." The Unbelief of the People when JESUS had said these things, HE departed and "HID HIMSELF FROM THEM".
37 Though HE had done so many signs before them, they still did not believe in HIM,
38 so that the word spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled: "LORD, WHO has believed what HE heard from us, and to whom has the arm of THE LORD BEEN REVEALED?" 
40 "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they SEE with their eyes, and UNDERSTAND with their heart, and turn, and I would heal them." 
41 Isaiah said these things because he saw HIS glory and spoke of HIM.
42 Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in HIM, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue;
43 for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from GOD."

There are many people who REJECT JESUS CHRIST as being the Son of GOD, and many more who REJECT the idea that there is any ALMIGHTY all together.   It should come as no surprise that most of these people actually think that they have a superior understanding of finances, business, health, and everything else about life, when in reality they been HIDDEN FROM THEM!  

The are many places in scripture that JESUS "HID HIMSELF FROM THEM".  To be able to SEE JESUS for WHO HE really is, one must have their EYES OPENED and the TRUTH REVEALED to them.  Many people believe that they are better than others simply because they BELIEVE and attempt to live a life that is better than others.  Reading 1 Timothy 1:15, or Isaiah 64:6, or John 6:44 causes me to understand that if GOD ALMIGHTY didn't pursue me, I would be so vile and pathetic that I wouldn't stand a chance of being BORN AGAIN!  

The people JESUS was speaking about in the passage of scripture above COULD NOT BELIEVE, as they had chosen to rely on their own wisdom and knowledge to carry out them through this world, instead of depending upon a HOLY GOD to guide and direct their lives, to Glorify HIM!  JESUS said in John 12:36 "While you have the LIGHT, believe in the LIGHT, that you may become sons of LIGHT."  Many prefer living in darkness for living in the LIGHT would require them to allow JESUS to navigate them through life, something that they aren't willing to do just yet!

To be one of the CHOSEN doesn't mean that we are better than anyone else, it only means that we have been "called out of darkness into HIS marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9) to be used by HIM.  Having our UNDERSTANDING enlightened to SEE ALMIGHTY GOD pursuing us has to be a miracle in itself!  And I have had my EYES opened lately that I have been BLESSED in my life to NUMEROUS miracles, so I speak from experience!  

I wouldn't want to be one who JESUS "HID HIMSELF FROM THEM"!  To know that HE has CHOSEN to use me is one of the biggest miracles HE has performed in my life!  Being "blinded" is a choice that will cost many for an eternity!  Please don't elect to not SEE THE TRUTH!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2017


Mark 10:23-27                                           (ESV)
"23 And JESUS looked around and said to his disciples, "How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of GOD!"
24 And the disciples were amazed at HIS words. But JESUS said to them again, "Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of GOD!
25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of GOD."
26 And they were "EXCEEDINGLY ASTONISHED", and said to HIM, "Then who can be saved?"
27 JESUS looked at them and said, "With man it is impossible, but not with GOD. For all things are possible with GOD."

Recently in a church prayer meeting there was a request shared of a person who had been given a gloomy guess by a physician that they "were 90% sure" that cancer would be her diagnosis.   My first thought was sympathetic as the word itself brings memories of family members who have succumbed to the dreaded disease.   But almost immediately my mind went to my recent heart surgery less than four months ago and the amazingly painless recovery and I quickly realized that my GOD isn't bound by what a physician or medical book says!  

One of my favorite quotes is from Billy Sunday who said "We have a GOD WHO delights in impossibilities"!  Then I remember my doctor from the Rehabilitation Hospital 10 years ago saying of my case, "I can still picture the worst paralysis during the rehabilitation program & profound difficulty even positioning in bed, & even the room where I began his history & physical exam to begin the process!  I"m still amazed!" and I was quickly humbled.   

Why do we tend to limit what WE THINK GOD is capable of when JESUS (GOD in the flesh) tells us that with GOD "all things are possible"?  JESUS also told us that we would do greater things than HE did after HE left us, IF WE BELIEVE IN HIM??  

So WHY don't we trust in HIM?  Don't get me wrong, there are some people that's mission on earth is complete and they are ushered into Heaven.  Even JESUS suffered death on Calvary, but it didn't stick in HIS case!  But HIS WORDS are as true today as they were when HE spoke them, we just need to have our eyes opened to SEE them!  When we are able to SEE what GOD is capable of, we will be "EXCEEDINGLY ASTONISHED" by the results!  My prayer is that I am ready to SEE what HE can do.  Are you???

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Colossians 3:1-3                                                     (ESV)
"1 If then you have been raised with CHRIST, seek the things that are above, "WHERE CHRIST IS", seated at the right hand of GOD.
3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with CHRIST in GOD."

Most are aware of my affection for Psalms 46:10.   But looking back over my writings, it seems that I write more about SET YOUR MINDS ON THINGS THAT ARE ABOVE more often than anything else.  I have always been afflicted with Attention Deficit Disorder, only when I was a child the only medicine I was given to correct the condition was a heavy dose of DISCIPLINE!   SETTING MY MIND has always been a challenge for me, as it generally wonders off as soon as I get it SET!  

But where does a MIND need to be set?  Obviously, NOT ON THINGS THAT ARE ON EARTH is the quickest answer.   It pains me to admit that I have been given what I believe GOD has directed me to accomplish, but HE has yet to show me exactly how HE is going to provide the means to accomplish what HE has laid on my heart!  While searching diligently for Divine direction, it became clear to me that the answer was right before my eyes, I was just not SEEING it!

The eyes of my MIND need to be fixed "WHERE CHRIST IS"!  Earlier, in Colossians 1:17, the Apostle Paul writes "And HE (JESUS) is before all things, and in HIM all things hold together."  It is difficult to NOT find JESUS, no matter what you are looking at, IF you keep in MIND this verse!  When I recognize that I should SEE JESUS in everything, it makes my vision become so much more clear.  JESUS CHRIST is at the center of everything that is, we just have to recognize that HE is preeminent. 

When we are able to SEE HIM in everything that is, it becomes easier to find HIM in the midst of the storms of life.  Shockingly, one of the most peaceful times of my entire life was during the recent heart surgery I had.  Now heart surgery has always been something that I feared, as it usually means that there is some damage within the cardiac system.  But I found out that your heart can be in fantastic shape and your coronary arteries can be genetically smaller than normal and cause you problems that requires addressing.  When surgery was determined to be the only option for me, a unbelievable PEACE came over me that difficult to describe.  Genesis 50:20 immediately came into my MIND, and I was as cool as could be.  

When we are able to find "WHERE CHRIST IS" during a crisis, it causes the devil to have the fear he meant for us to have.  Seeing "WHERE CHRIST IS" causes me to focus on HIM, and let my problems recede to their proper place.  The problems don't disappear, it's just that I'm looking at "WHERE CHRIST IS" and I can't SEE anything else!!!

Monday, August 7, 2017


We NEED to SEE both our and others Spiritual needs, but our eyes are trained only on the physical condition of our bodies, and our bank accounts.  We really don't have the ability to SPIRITUALLY SEE what we are needing to make us what GOD has called us to be, it has to be granted by GOD ALMIGHTY!  

I wrote these words one Sunday morning as the preacher was delivering his message from GOD.   Thinking back, one of the most life altering moments I have experienced is when my son told me that if GOD was in something happening, HE would make it happen.  My son didn't say the next line, possibly out of respect for his dad, but GOD didn't need my help making it happen either!   

I have always been a person who believed that if you wanted something done right, you had to do it yourself!  There are many times I would "prayerfully" determine what I thought was best, and then do everything I could to "make it happen"!  I believed that if I succeeded, then it must have been GOD that blessed my efforts.  If my efforts were unsuccessful, then I must have missed what GOD had for me?

But what if GOD is wanting to use the tough times in my life to make me a strong vessel for HIS Glory?   Before you start quoting scripture on me, I understand that "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from ABOVE, coming down from the FATHER OF LIGHTS, with WHOM there is no variation or shadow due to change." (James 1:17).  But who would argue that GOD orchestrated HIS only SON be mocked, ridiculed, tortured, CRUCIFIED, then overcome death, hell, and the grave three days later was a "good thing"?  Ultimately, what the devil meant for evil, GOD used for HIS Glory (Genesis 50:20), something GOD has continually done since Creation!  

As far as I can see, our lives must be lived in a manner of service to an INVISIBLE GOD that we have to SLOW DOWN and commune with daily, and TRUST infinitely!  We are not able to plan our entire life and expect things to turn out exactly like we drew it up.  The pitfalls and hard times have been when I have grown in HIM the most, but wound up being the most peaceful times of my life!  Resting within the arms of JESUS is like NO OTHER place outside of Heaven!   

That is why I am extremely happy to say "I AM SERVING THE LORD CHRIST!"  

Colossians 3:23-24                        (ESV)
23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the LORD and not for men,

24 knowing that from the LORD you will receive the inheritance as your reward. "YOU ARE SERVING THE LORD CHRIST."

Sunday, August 6, 2017


Psalms 31:14-15                          (ESV)
"14 But I trust in YOU, O LORD; I say, "YOU ARE MY GOD." 
15 MY TIMES ARE IN YOUR HAND; rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors! "

When JESUS was speaking to HIS disciples in Mark 4:13-20 HE spoke of there are many who are very weak in their FAITH who wilt when a little heat is applied (things don't go their way) and begin questioning what GOD is doing to them!  Formerly, I have been right where they are, "crying" because things weren't going exactly how I "thought" they should.   But having HIS WILL, HIS PLAN, being revealed to you can be one of the most rewarding things that you can ever experience!  

In Genesis 22:12 Abraham (known as GOD's friend in Isaiah 41:8) is being spoken to GOD ALMIGHTY WHO says "Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear GOD, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from ME."  ALMIGHTY GOD absolutely LOVES when HIS Children display their FAITH in HIM.  When we want to display our affection to GOD, we should automatically TRUST HIM to do the impossible!  I have written on my Facebook "quotes" page "GOD DELIGHTS IN IMPOSSIBILITIES"!  HE loves for us to demonstrate that "YOU ARE MY GOD!"

Don't allow the enemy to conquer your thoughts!  Colossians 3:2 says "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth", reminding us that earthly aspirations are far inferior to "things that are above"!  GOD has MY TIMES ARE IN YOUR HAND and "YOU ARE MY GOD"!  When HE gets ready to BLESS me beyond measure, watch out world because HE is THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES!  

Saturday, August 5, 2017


Romans 1:18:23                                                 (ESV)
"18 For the wrath of GOD is REVEALED from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness SUPPRESS the TRUTH.
19 For what can be known about GOD is plain to them, because GOD has shown it to them.
20 For HIS "INVISIBLE" attributes, namely, HIS eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
21 For although they knew GOD, they did not honor HIM as GOD or GIVE THANKS to HIM, but they became FUTILE in their thinking, and their FOOLISH HEARTS were darkened.
23 and EXCHANGED the glory of the immortal GOD for IMAGES RESEMBLING mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things."

Most days there is a scripture REVEALED to me and I begin the devotional GOD places in my heart to share, and the WORDS GOD places on my heart, AND THEN I find a few words in the scripture to highlight and I capitalize them and publish my thoughts.  Today I opened my BIBLE and the paragraph above was highlighted, and verse 20 had "notes" written on it so I decided to SEE what the "notes" were.  I opened the "notes" app and it simply said "INVISIBLE"!  No explanation or commentary, just "INVISIBLE"!

Since "inquiring minds want to know", I decided to look up the word "INVISIBLE" in the dictionary.  One definition was using an adjective and said "not perceptible or discernible by the mind:".  Another was using the word as a noun and said "the unseen or spiritual world."  Upon digesting all that was offered by the dictionary, it was made clear to me that ALMIGHTY GOD was using BOTH, the adjective and the noun, to REVEAL to me that there are many SPIRITUAL things that HE REVEALS to some, while others HE doesn't REVEAL TRUTHS to, leaving them to become as FOOLS!  AND JUST BECAUSE HE REVEALS THINGS TO SOME, DOESN'T MEAN WE ARE BETTER THAN OTHERS, ONLY BLESSED TO BE USED OF HIM!!!

Some people are decent enough people, but they haven't had the TRUTHS REVEALED to them by GOD and cannot SEE everything that has been REVEALED to others.   It becomes incumbent upon we who can SEE that we verbalize what has been REVEALED to our hearts, and we GIVE THANKS to GOD for HIS REVELATIONS so we won't become "FUTILE in their thinking, and their FOOLISH HEARTS were darkened".  Scripture says "claiming to be wise, they became fools", meaning they thought they were something they were not!  

Scripture says in Isaiah 64:6 that our righteousness is but filthy rags before a HOLY GOD!  None of us have extreme holiness to lay before HIS Throne.  All any of us can do is claim the blood of JESUS and rest in HIS accomplishments.  John 4:24 says "GOD IS SPIRIT"!  A SPIRIT cannot be seen, therefore it must be "INVISIBLE"!  We must trust in HIM to live inside of our bodies and NOT suppress the TRUTH!  We need to Glorify and honor HIM with our actions and REVEAL HIS "INVISIBLE" TRUTH to a lost and dying world!

Friday, August 4, 2017


Proverbs 14:10                                (ESV)
"THE HEART KNOWS" its own bitterness, and no stranger shares its joy."

It has often been said "I know exactly how you are feeling"!  But in reality, no one person experiences the same joy, grief, gratification, or disappointments, that others face because each one of us have our own personal emotions and involvement with specific situations that have to be dealt with individually.  Even my personal loss of my little sister when I was younger better prepared me for my mother leaving this world later in life.  Had they been at alternate times, dealing with the emotions might have been totally different.   

1 Corinthians 7:17 says "Only let EACH PERSON lead the life that the LORD has ASSIGNED TO HIM , and to which GOD has called him. This is my rule in all the churches."   We ALL are have different paths that we must travel, and the LORD is with us to guide and direct us in the steps we should take!  

With the LORD guiding out steps, we should rest in the fact that HE will never lead us down a path that is NOT in our best interest!  Some may seem to have an easier path, but some will definitely have a more difficult one!  As long as "THE HEART KNOWS" that GOD (THE CREATOR) is guiding us, we should be content with blazing our own path.  

Thursday, August 3, 2017


2 Corinthians 3:16-17                                     (ESV)
"16 ALL SCRIPTURE is breathed out by GOD and profitable for TEACHING, for REPROOF, for CORRECTION, and for TRAINING in righteousness,
17 that the man of GOD "MAY BE COMPLETE", equipped for every good work."

It seems that there are many people who claim that they are "called" of GOD to be Pastors or Preachers, yet they are strangers to Scriptures and the CHANGES to lives they make.  From experience, a cursory glance at the Word of GOD every week or so usually only brings strife and discontent.   You can't expect the PEACE of GOD when you only experience HIM on rare occasions.  

Today's passage is brief, but so deep that it may take more than my usual three to four paragraphs.  ALL SCRIPTURE does not entail just the New Testament, or just the Old Testament, or just the verses we want to pick that support the stance that we are choosing to emphasize that day.  From Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, THE WORD OF GOD is presented to mold us to Glorify HIM.  

Whether we are needing to be TAUGHT, REBUKED, CORRECTED, or TRAINED, the WORD OF GOD has proven capable for thousands of years in guiding and directing lives of ALL of GOD's Creation!  Even JESUS CHRIST (GOD IN THE FLESH) referred to Scriptures many times during HIS earthly ministry as HE was needing TRUTH in HIS life.  When you have a problem that the answer seems to be difficult to find, the ANSWER can usually be found, IF we are diligent in our search!

Answers to tough problems requires thoroughly examination of Scripture AND Divine revelation from above.  In Matthew 22:29 JESUS had to correct the Sadducees when HE told them " know neither the Scriptures nor the power of GOD"!  The Sadducees were thought of by some to be "aristocrats", people who were a little better than others, or so they thought!  But JESUS told them that they didn't know GOD nor HIS WORD!!

Admitting that I am an uneducated person isn't something that is difficult for me.  Having the patience to study ANY book is something I have always had a problem with.  But studying the WORD OF GOD is a practice that has become more and more easy for me.  To realize and understand that GOD ALMIGHTY can REVEAL things to me, regardless of my formal education, so that I "MAY BE COMPLETE" in what HE has planned for me is enough to keep my mind set on HIM!  Allowing HIM to mold me to become exactly what HE desires excites me that I "MAY BE COMPLETE"!!!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Lamentations 3:22-23                                             (ESV)
"22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; HIS mercies never come to an end; 
23 they are new "EVERY MORNING"; great is YOUR faithfulness."

Putting the ALMIGHTY in a box, or trying to limit HIS mercies, or say HE won't love us if we sin against HIM, could not be further from the TRUTH!  GOD so loved this world, even the ones who deny and reject HIM, that HE sent HIS only SON to sacrifice HIS life for the sins of all mankind!  Because of that, HIS forgiveness is there for me "EVERY MORNING", and for some of us, that is a good thing for we need it at least that often, if not more!

GOD can't be confined to the descriptive words of man, as HE is far more than anything our words can describe.  The best news reporters are extremely gifted with using words that express what they have seen, but when Moses experienced GOD on Mount Sinai he could only glow from the exposure, and just to the backside of GOD!  

And we think we are "too busy" to spend time with our CREATOR as we have business to attend to, or a job to get to?  For me, GOD has displayed to me HIS unfailing love, mercies, and forgiveness in a manner that I can't deny that HE is LORD over all!  For me to NOT come to HIM "EVERY MORNING" is akin to asking for trouble, as I am not wise enough to make it one day without HIS guidance!

Since the scripture above says HIS characteristics are more than can be written about, why don't we accept HE is all that HE says HE is?  HE is willing to forgive me "EVERY MORNING" and lead me into an abundant life with HIM!   What more could a wretch like me desire than to have the KING of CREATION waiting for me "EVERY MORNING" to restore and bless me?  

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


1 Peter 2:9-10                       (ESV)
"9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for HIS own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of HIM WHO "CALLED YOU OUT" OF DARKNESS into HIS marvelous light.
10 Once you were not a people, but now you are GOD'S people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." 

Words can carry many different meanings, mainly according to the way they are used in a sentence.   When someone has "CALLED YOU OUT" it can mean you have been selected to participate in the armed forces, for example.  Unfortunately and more probable for me, it could mean that someone has "CALLED ME OUT" because of some injustice I have performed against a people or person!  

But the words used above by Peter is totally a good thing, in that GOD has "CALLED YOU OUT" into HIS marvelous light!  ALMIGHTY GOD, our CREATOR, has "CALLED YOU OUT" for a purpose, but also to be different!  2 Corinthians 6:17 says "Therefore go out from their midst, and BE SEPARATE from them, says the LORD, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you."  It is really easy to focus on the things we have to give up in being a Believer, but very few people celebrate the fact the CREATOR has "CALLED YOU OUT" to honor and worship HIM!

GOD doesn't require a tremendous following.   As a matter of fact, HE usually CHOOSES a select few to accomplish the things HE has Planned.  Gideon began with over 30,000 men, but GOD dwindled that to only 300!  In Judges 7:7 GOD said "..."With the 300 men who lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hand, and let all the others go every man to his home."   When GOD intervenes HE doesn't require a majority of support, only a few dedicated Believers!!!

It is truly a blessing and an honor for the CREATOR and sustainer of life to have "CALLED YOU OUT" of darkness into HIS marvelous light!  Your assignment may not be glamorous or glitzy to others, but when you fulfill what GOD has purposed you for, then nothing can be more satisfying!  No one can substitute knowing that you are doing what GOD ALMIGHTY has "CALLED YOU OUT" to accomplish!!!