Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Lamentations 3:22-23                                             (ESV)
"22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; HIS mercies never come to an end; 
23 they are new "EVERY MORNING"; great is YOUR faithfulness."

Putting the ALMIGHTY in a box, or trying to limit HIS mercies, or say HE won't love us if we sin against HIM, could not be further from the TRUTH!  GOD so loved this world, even the ones who deny and reject HIM, that HE sent HIS only SON to sacrifice HIS life for the sins of all mankind!  Because of that, HIS forgiveness is there for me "EVERY MORNING", and for some of us, that is a good thing for we need it at least that often, if not more!

GOD can't be confined to the descriptive words of man, as HE is far more than anything our words can describe.  The best news reporters are extremely gifted with using words that express what they have seen, but when Moses experienced GOD on Mount Sinai he could only glow from the exposure, and just to the backside of GOD!  

And we think we are "too busy" to spend time with our CREATOR as we have business to attend to, or a job to get to?  For me, GOD has displayed to me HIS unfailing love, mercies, and forgiveness in a manner that I can't deny that HE is LORD over all!  For me to NOT come to HIM "EVERY MORNING" is akin to asking for trouble, as I am not wise enough to make it one day without HIS guidance!

Since the scripture above says HIS characteristics are more than can be written about, why don't we accept HE is all that HE says HE is?  HE is willing to forgive me "EVERY MORNING" and lead me into an abundant life with HIM!   What more could a wretch like me desire than to have the KING of CREATION waiting for me "EVERY MORNING" to restore and bless me?  

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