Thursday, August 24, 2017


Proverbs 11:25                         (ESV)
"Whoever brings "BLESSING" will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”

Growing up I was exposed to many lessons that I didn't realize until I became older.  My grandfather wasn't blessed with a tremendous amount of book knowledge, yet he was one of the best gardeners I've ever been exposed to.  He would water some of his plants really well, and the surrounding plants would reap the benefits of the watering, not necessarily because they needed watering, but just because they were around where the watering was going on!

Being around the one who is receiving a "BLESSING"  is a "BLESSING" in and of itself.  But just as plants benefit from water being used to nourish neighboring plants, you can experience growth from the water that others are getting.  The "BLESSING" comes from the LORD, but sometimes we just have to be where HIS "BLESSING" is being dispensed! 

In my younger days I was diligently searching for the WAY that I needed to be going.   Finances were extremely tight and I was needing direction on which way l needed to move.  After going to a quiet place one day, I came home was given an envelope that came in the mail that day.  Inside the envelope was $100 cash!  My wife asked who I thought sent it and I replied, "I'm not sure who HE used, but I know WHO sent it"!!!  

There is nothing like being where GOD can send a "BLESSING" your way, UNLESS you are the one used to send the "BLESSING"!  Don't try putting limits on what GOD is capable of doing with your life.   HE can do ALL THINGS that draw honor and glory to HIS NAME!!  BE A "BLESSING"!!!

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