Friday, August 25, 2017


Isaiah 44:18                             (ESV)
"They know not, nor do they discern, for HE has shut their eyes, so that they cannot see, and their hearts, so that they cannot understand."

There is so much "noise" cluttering the minds of the people of "this world" that many of them can't carry on an intelligent conversation because they don't have any TRUTH in their Spiritual arsenal.  It is with great sadness that I witness almost daily comments from seemingly educated people who have absolutely no balance in their Spiritual bank account.   When you attempt to explain the most basic principles to them, they can't SEE the forest for the trees!  

In the scripture above, Isaiah is speaking about people who have their own gods, people who are so busy worshipping gods of comfort and ease that they don't have time to humble themselves before a SPIRIT named YAHWEH!  The enemy manifests himself through our friends, yet we choose not to identify him.  JESUS readily recognized satan when he was hiding behind Peter (Matthew 16:23; Luke 4:8) and told him "Get the behind me satan"!  Yet I am so blinded by enemy that I allow him to masquerade as others and push his actions as theirs!

There comes a time when we all need to withdraw and evaluate ourselves.  Are we just filling the time of each day we have been granted by our CREATOR, or do we have a purpose to fulfill?  Am I doing anything to advance the Kingdom of GOD?  Or am I so caught up with the things of "this world" that I am "too busy" to let Spiritual matters play a part in my life??

With these things on my mind, I will be signing off of social media for awhile, until I get clearance from the HOLY SPIRIT to return.  It might be a few days, or it might be a few weeks, but one thing is for certain, I desperately need to have my SPIRIT renewed daily from ABOVE!  Please pray for me that GOD ALMIGHTY will do a work in my life that will honor and glorify only HIM!  

If you need me, email me at or   

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