Monday, August 7, 2017


We NEED to SEE both our and others Spiritual needs, but our eyes are trained only on the physical condition of our bodies, and our bank accounts.  We really don't have the ability to SPIRITUALLY SEE what we are needing to make us what GOD has called us to be, it has to be granted by GOD ALMIGHTY!  

I wrote these words one Sunday morning as the preacher was delivering his message from GOD.   Thinking back, one of the most life altering moments I have experienced is when my son told me that if GOD was in something happening, HE would make it happen.  My son didn't say the next line, possibly out of respect for his dad, but GOD didn't need my help making it happen either!   

I have always been a person who believed that if you wanted something done right, you had to do it yourself!  There are many times I would "prayerfully" determine what I thought was best, and then do everything I could to "make it happen"!  I believed that if I succeeded, then it must have been GOD that blessed my efforts.  If my efforts were unsuccessful, then I must have missed what GOD had for me?

But what if GOD is wanting to use the tough times in my life to make me a strong vessel for HIS Glory?   Before you start quoting scripture on me, I understand that "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from ABOVE, coming down from the FATHER OF LIGHTS, with WHOM there is no variation or shadow due to change." (James 1:17).  But who would argue that GOD orchestrated HIS only SON be mocked, ridiculed, tortured, CRUCIFIED, then overcome death, hell, and the grave three days later was a "good thing"?  Ultimately, what the devil meant for evil, GOD used for HIS Glory (Genesis 50:20), something GOD has continually done since Creation!  

As far as I can see, our lives must be lived in a manner of service to an INVISIBLE GOD that we have to SLOW DOWN and commune with daily, and TRUST infinitely!  We are not able to plan our entire life and expect things to turn out exactly like we drew it up.  The pitfalls and hard times have been when I have grown in HIM the most, but wound up being the most peaceful times of my life!  Resting within the arms of JESUS is like NO OTHER place outside of Heaven!   

That is why I am extremely happy to say "I AM SERVING THE LORD CHRIST!"  

Colossians 3:23-24                        (ESV)
23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the LORD and not for men,

24 knowing that from the LORD you will receive the inheritance as your reward. "YOU ARE SERVING THE LORD CHRIST."

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