Wednesday, August 23, 2017


1 Corinthians 3:1-3                        (ESV)
"1 But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in CHRIST.
2 I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready,
3 for you are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not "OF THE FLESH" and behaving only in a human way?"

Ten years ago, while I was in the Rehabilitation Hospital recovering from the Brain Hemorrhage, I had extensive help in redeveloping my "word-recall".  Since the Brain Hemorrhage was the the portion of my brain that controls the words a person uses to make sentences, I had to re-educate myself on how to select correct wording to express myself.  Ten years later, I still am working on that!  

The Apostle Paul had to deal with possibly an even more frustrating phenomenon.  Although I was a 47 year old man who had lost his capabilities of forming sentences correctly, Paul was dealing with Believers who had never developed the knowledge, nor maturity, to understand a mature Spiritual conversation.   They were, in fact, SPIRITUAL INFANTS!  While the Apostle Paul could SEE that some people were too immature to understand in depth Spiritual matters, he understood that some people had to be fed "milk", so "milk" was the only thing on their diet.  

All people have to be fed a diet that they can digest. Some people have a desire to know the more weighty Spiritual matters, but we cannot digest that which our systems can't process.  There are a LOT of things that I have to say that I'm just not ready to process and trust that I will grow to the point that GOD can reveal it to me.  The Apostle Paul had a gift for SEEING Spiritual immaturity and being able to feed milk as well as solid food.  I might not be as gifted as I need to be to minister to all who need to HEAR.  

Being "OF THE FLESH" is something we all have to mature from.  No adult got to where they are without growing pains.  Helping others get out "OF THE FLESH" can be a blessing from GOD, both to the helper and the person receiving the help.  HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to SEE the need, and the person in need, and YOUR SOLUTION to move them to a Biblical understanding of getting out "OF THE FLESH"!!!

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