Wednesday, August 16, 2017


James 1:26-27                                        (ESV)
"26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.
27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to "KEEP ONESELF UNSTAINED" from the world."

There is much concern these days about what "others" are saying or doing with the lives they are assigned bo ALMIGHTY GOD.  But I've not seen a lot of articles about personal failures and shortcomings.  It seems it is a lot easier to identify and offer commentary on other people's lives than to humble ourselves before a MIGHTY GOD and change our own selves.  

Obviously, there are some whose calling requires that they deliver a message from GOD to correct and improve the lives of those who GOD puts in their care.  But GOD is very selective about who HE calls, and some who claim to be leaders aren't "called" by the ALMIGHTY to be leaders.  They are trying to fill a position that they aren't equipped for.   

Others are in "the church" but are always busy trying to clean other people's lives when their own life has plenty of clutter to be addressed.  In the scripture above James instructs us to "KEEP ONESELF UNSTAINED" from the world, not to worry about everyone else!  My closet is so filthy that it keeps me busy trying to keep it clean and I don't have time to be offering commentary on the state of others rooms. 

I'm no psychologist or psychiatrist, but from my humble observation over the past few years it appears that the people most qualified to offer advice on how to improve the lives of others are generally the last to offer the advice?  Maybe it's because they are busy trying to "KEEP ONESELF UNSTAINED" and not trying to solve the problems that surround us?  

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