Thursday, August 3, 2017


2 Corinthians 3:16-17                                     (ESV)
"16 ALL SCRIPTURE is breathed out by GOD and profitable for TEACHING, for REPROOF, for CORRECTION, and for TRAINING in righteousness,
17 that the man of GOD "MAY BE COMPLETE", equipped for every good work."

It seems that there are many people who claim that they are "called" of GOD to be Pastors or Preachers, yet they are strangers to Scriptures and the CHANGES to lives they make.  From experience, a cursory glance at the Word of GOD every week or so usually only brings strife and discontent.   You can't expect the PEACE of GOD when you only experience HIM on rare occasions.  

Today's passage is brief, but so deep that it may take more than my usual three to four paragraphs.  ALL SCRIPTURE does not entail just the New Testament, or just the Old Testament, or just the verses we want to pick that support the stance that we are choosing to emphasize that day.  From Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, THE WORD OF GOD is presented to mold us to Glorify HIM.  

Whether we are needing to be TAUGHT, REBUKED, CORRECTED, or TRAINED, the WORD OF GOD has proven capable for thousands of years in guiding and directing lives of ALL of GOD's Creation!  Even JESUS CHRIST (GOD IN THE FLESH) referred to Scriptures many times during HIS earthly ministry as HE was needing TRUTH in HIS life.  When you have a problem that the answer seems to be difficult to find, the ANSWER can usually be found, IF we are diligent in our search!

Answers to tough problems requires thoroughly examination of Scripture AND Divine revelation from above.  In Matthew 22:29 JESUS had to correct the Sadducees when HE told them " know neither the Scriptures nor the power of GOD"!  The Sadducees were thought of by some to be "aristocrats", people who were a little better than others, or so they thought!  But JESUS told them that they didn't know GOD nor HIS WORD!!

Admitting that I am an uneducated person isn't something that is difficult for me.  Having the patience to study ANY book is something I have always had a problem with.  But studying the WORD OF GOD is a practice that has become more and more easy for me.  To realize and understand that GOD ALMIGHTY can REVEAL things to me, regardless of my formal education, so that I "MAY BE COMPLETE" in what HE has planned for me is enough to keep my mind set on HIM!  Allowing HIM to mold me to become exactly what HE desires excites me that I "MAY BE COMPLETE"!!!

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