Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Colossians 3:1-3                                                     (ESV)
"1 If then you have been raised with CHRIST, seek the things that are above, "WHERE CHRIST IS", seated at the right hand of GOD.
3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with CHRIST in GOD."

Most are aware of my affection for Psalms 46:10.   But looking back over my writings, it seems that I write more about SET YOUR MINDS ON THINGS THAT ARE ABOVE more often than anything else.  I have always been afflicted with Attention Deficit Disorder, only when I was a child the only medicine I was given to correct the condition was a heavy dose of DISCIPLINE!   SETTING MY MIND has always been a challenge for me, as it generally wonders off as soon as I get it SET!  

But where does a MIND need to be set?  Obviously, NOT ON THINGS THAT ARE ON EARTH is the quickest answer.   It pains me to admit that I have been given what I believe GOD has directed me to accomplish, but HE has yet to show me exactly how HE is going to provide the means to accomplish what HE has laid on my heart!  While searching diligently for Divine direction, it became clear to me that the answer was right before my eyes, I was just not SEEING it!

The eyes of my MIND need to be fixed "WHERE CHRIST IS"!  Earlier, in Colossians 1:17, the Apostle Paul writes "And HE (JESUS) is before all things, and in HIM all things hold together."  It is difficult to NOT find JESUS, no matter what you are looking at, IF you keep in MIND this verse!  When I recognize that I should SEE JESUS in everything, it makes my vision become so much more clear.  JESUS CHRIST is at the center of everything that is, we just have to recognize that HE is preeminent. 

When we are able to SEE HIM in everything that is, it becomes easier to find HIM in the midst of the storms of life.  Shockingly, one of the most peaceful times of my entire life was during the recent heart surgery I had.  Now heart surgery has always been something that I feared, as it usually means that there is some damage within the cardiac system.  But I found out that your heart can be in fantastic shape and your coronary arteries can be genetically smaller than normal and cause you problems that requires addressing.  When surgery was determined to be the only option for me, a unbelievable PEACE came over me that difficult to describe.  Genesis 50:20 immediately came into my MIND, and I was as cool as could be.  

When we are able to find "WHERE CHRIST IS" during a crisis, it causes the devil to have the fear he meant for us to have.  Seeing "WHERE CHRIST IS" causes me to focus on HIM, and let my problems recede to their proper place.  The problems don't disappear, it's just that I'm looking at "WHERE CHRIST IS" and I can't SEE anything else!!!

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