Friday, August 4, 2017


Proverbs 14:10                                (ESV)
"THE HEART KNOWS" its own bitterness, and no stranger shares its joy."

It has often been said "I know exactly how you are feeling"!  But in reality, no one person experiences the same joy, grief, gratification, or disappointments, that others face because each one of us have our own personal emotions and involvement with specific situations that have to be dealt with individually.  Even my personal loss of my little sister when I was younger better prepared me for my mother leaving this world later in life.  Had they been at alternate times, dealing with the emotions might have been totally different.   

1 Corinthians 7:17 says "Only let EACH PERSON lead the life that the LORD has ASSIGNED TO HIM , and to which GOD has called him. This is my rule in all the churches."   We ALL are have different paths that we must travel, and the LORD is with us to guide and direct us in the steps we should take!  

With the LORD guiding out steps, we should rest in the fact that HE will never lead us down a path that is NOT in our best interest!  Some may seem to have an easier path, but some will definitely have a more difficult one!  As long as "THE HEART KNOWS" that GOD (THE CREATOR) is guiding us, we should be content with blazing our own path.  

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