Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Acts 17:10-11                           (ESV)
"10 The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue. 
11 Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, "EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY" to see if these things were so."

A dear friend of mine told me about the Berean Believers many years ago and how they relied solely on the WORD OF GOD to verify what they were hearing from men.  They didn't rely on the opinions of man or ministers, rather they were "EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY" for TRUTH!  This practice has been so instrumental in helping me Spiritually grow that I've never forgotten how the people of 50-100 years after JESUS was crucified divided TRUTH from heresy.  

Imagine if you will how the enemy so wanted to muddy the waters as much as he could and mislead as many people as possible.  Satan must have "thought" he had JESUS right where he wanted HIM when JESUS appeared defeated in death, hell and the grave, yet then HE overcame and completed redemptions plan!  Even today the enemy still tries to insert a counterfeit religion making people believe that he is just as much truth as JESUS.  

Unless we are "EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY" and report accurately what we find to be TRUTH, we run the risk of being used to fabricate things that we want to be in scripture, and NOT what truly is in scripture.  The enemy is known as the great deceiver and he likes nothing better than to sprinkle in a little lie to ruin the whole truth!  LORD, cause me to be guilty of "EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY" in search of the TRUTH and settle for nothing less!!!

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