Friday, August 18, 2017


Isaiah 45:22                              (ESV)
""Turn to ME and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For "I AM GOD", and there is no other."

From time to time I get "distracted" by events of life that, in the end, will make no difference at all.  The enemy is able to cause my attention to be placed on something other than the LORD and I get caught up arguing a fruitless argument with no eternal benefit for the Kingdom.  There is an alternative and that is to "Turn to ME and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For "I AM GOD", and there is no other!"

In the NASB version of the BIBLE, Genesis 3:1 says that the serpent was "more crafty" than any other beast of the field which the LORD GOD had made.  In other words, he was able to "snooker" Adam and Eve into listening to him instead of worshipping ALMIGHTY GOD!  When they should have had their eyes on GOD, the enemy tried to convince them that he was smarter than GOD and his way was better than GOD's way!  It didn't matter that he was wrong, just that he got them to listen to and believe his version of truth and they would follow him.  

Satan's objective is still to get our minds off the things of GOD, and on worldly things.  As long as he has our focus on whatever the headlines are today, he knows that our minds can't be set on what GOD prefers them to be on.   We must remember that "I AM GOD" will not be shared with any other god we try elevating to HIS level.  When we are focused on "I AM GOD", then we can "turn to ME and be saved"!  

Being successful in "this world " usually demands us to be moving at a pace that precludes listening to THE FATHER.   The enemy is being successful if he keeps our attention on anything besides what GOD has for us!  We have to decide whether we will listen to "I AM GOD", or will we listen to the lies offered by the devil.  One offers eternal life, the other offers nothing!   As for me and my house, we will listen to "I AM GOD"!!!

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