Monday, August 21, 2017


Mark 14:35-36                                      (ESV)
"35 And going a little farther, HE fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from HIM.
36 And he said, "Abba, FATHER, all things are possible for YOU. Remove this cup from me. Yet NOT WHAT I WILL, but "WHAT YOU WILL"."

Hearing from GOD is one of the greatest blessings a Believer will experience in this life.      When GOD speaks, there is no mistaking whether it was HIS voice!  There was a sermon preached one day where the preacher said "I'm sure that when GOD spoke "this world" into existence, in itself if was "BIG BANG", seemingly confirming the "BIG BANG" theory.   However, far too often we only want to HEAR from GOD when HE is saying what we desire to hear from HIM.  

In listening to Dr. Charles Stanley recently, one of his sermons contained the words "LORD, just speak to my Heart"!  How many times do I begin my "quiet time" with a flurry of begging for "what I want", instead of praying for GOD's Will to be performed in my life?  JESUS, the SON OF GOD, prayed for HIS cup to be removed from HIM.  Surely GOD loves HIS SON enough to grant HIS request to prevent HIM from suffering because I had sin in my life?  But JESUS didn't get HIS request.  Instead HE suffered punishment too gruesome to be written about culminating with separation from THE FATHER, something HE had never experienced, EVER!!!

Are we afraid to say "WHAT YOU WILL" be done with my life because we FEAR THE UNKNOWN and what GOD will require of us?  Scripture says repeatedly for us to HAVE FAITH IN GOD, but how many times do we fully and completely TRUST IN HIM?  If we TRUST IN HIM, shouldn't we willingly pray "WHAT YOU WILL" instead of telling our CREATOR what we want?  HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to surrender to YOUR WILL and to forever be submissive to "WHAT YOU WILL" for my life!!!

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