Tuesday, December 4, 2012


This morning I observed in the local newspaper's opinion page a comment  from a person saying that "same sex marriages" were here to stay and we should "get used to it"! Their "opinion" was that the lifestyle in question was not hurting me, so I should let them do what they want.  It is THEIR life and THEIR choice and THEIR consequences if they were wrong!  

I sat and pondered that for a while in quiet.  I try to live my life so everyone knows that I am a follower of CHRIST.   I realize that all will not believe the way I do.   I attempt to live my life according to scripture.  Notice, I said ATTEMPT to!  I fail everyday and ask forgiveness for my faults. 

GOD ordained marriage in Genesis 2.  GOD made marriage so only HE can set the rules for marriage. 
With that said, scriptures says in Romans 10:17 (ESV) "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."  If a man is driving down a road that has bridge out and the bridge covers a VAST gorge, I would be negligent (AT BEST) if I just let him drive into the gorge with no warning?  The person needs to "hear the word" that the bridge is out!  On the other hand, if I stand on the side of the road and shout to the top of my lungs "Bridge Out" yet he refuses to heed the warning, I have done all I can do.  

Some people will NEVER agree or understand.   1 John 2:11 (KJV) says  "But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes."  Some cannot see because their eyes are blinded.   Those are ones that are free to choose to drive on, ignore the warning, and suffer the consequences.  

I used to DESPISE broccoli.  I would not think of eating it.   Conversely, it was never prepared for me by my wife.   But I started on a low carbohydrate diet some years back and broccoli was one of the vegetables that I could eat.  Now, I LOVE broccoli and eat it weekly.  

My opinion changes daily on some issues........Broccoli being one of them.  But the WORD OF GOD never changes.  We (BELIEVERS IN CHRIST) are commanded to try to alert all to the bridge being out.  We are NOT commanded to force someone to listen to us and heed the warning!  

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