Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"I can't see!"

My oldest son got married on May 15, 2009.  About six months later, he and his wife acquired a "puppy"!  The puppies name is "ROME", for he was named after the city in which my son proposed to his wife! (Rome, Italy!)  My wife describes ROME as a 65 lb. "LAP DOG"! 

ROME grew larger than was expected, and mom and dad "inherited" him!  ROME is as loving a pet as anyone could ask for.  He is "energetic" (especially when a frisbee is involved) and "docile" all at the same time.  There is little doubt his love for me and my wife.  His tail wagging as fast as it can when we come home is EVIDENCE!  

GOD is "Spiritual" therefore the things of GOD can not be seen with "earthly" eyes.   Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen."   Even though GOD cannot be seen, neither can air!  But just because I can't see air doesn't keep me from breathing it!  I have to have it!!

Just as I get to see the "EVIDENCE" of ROME's love for me every day, I pray that my love for GOD is so EVIDENT that it cannot be hidden from HIM.  My FAITH in HIM should be EVIDENT in my life.  I may not wag my tail or lick my owners hand, but my love for HIM should be just as EVIDENT!  Just like air, I HAVE TO HAVE IT!!

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