Thursday, December 27, 2012

You HAVE to run!

I have been listening to The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sing a song called "Use Me".   The words are inspiring and moving.   The song can prepare those called by GOD to look for opportunities to serve in whatever capacity they are being called.  

To be "USED" of GOD one has to be "Sanctified" by HIM.   In Joshua 7:13 GOD instructs Joshua to "sanctify" the Jewish people.  GOD tells them there is "an accursed thing" (Sin) in their midst and HE warns Israel they cannot be successful standing against their enemies with unforgiven sin in their midst.  

GOD can do no less for me!   I have to purify and cleanse my life of anything that is impure in order for HIM to use me.  HIS Holy Spirit convicts me and will not let me rest until I am clean.  I have a friend who says "You're like the rabbit, you've done jumped up HAVE to run"!!!

GOD, I pray that you continue to show me the things in my life that need to be removed FOR YOUR GLORY, that I may be "USED" by YOU!  

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