Monday, December 10, 2012


My kids are both grown young men now, living their own lives in their own homes.  I love them and their wives beyond explanation.  All of the discipline and tough love is long gone.  Even TURBO-MAN is a thing of the past.  

I have been pondering something for a day or so though.  Why do we place such an emphasis on "physical" neglect, when the "spiritual" neglect is SO much more damaging.  You see articles in the paper about someone being "charged" with neglect.   We can't understand HOW anyone could not meet a child's needs.  

But, the "Spiritual" needs of a child are often overlooked.  The act of praying WITH your children, reading the Bible with your children, living "IN THE SPIRIT" in front of and around your children is something that you can never get a "Do-Over" on.  

As I am older, I am convicted that I could have done a better job as a Father.  Sure, we provided all of my kids physical needs, but I could have done a better job making sure they experienced how to REST in the LORD!   

Please know that TODAY is all that you guaranteed.   You aren't guaranteed tomorrow to "do better"! If your kids only way to Heaven were what they have seen you live, would they be able to follow in your steps to meet with JESUS?

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