Thursday, December 20, 2012


I recently received an email from a business acquaintance who apologized for being tardy for her response to me.  It seems a family member had passed away and she had understandably been out of the office.   No doubt she had been out making arrangements for the funeral of her loved one!  

That stopped me in my tracks!   I had emailed her about a RELATIVELY small issue that I was experiencing.   We need to slow our lives down and realize that the "IMPORTANT" things in life to us may not be so "IMPORTANT" to someone else.   I let her know that my problem could wait and that I was praying that GOD would be near her family during this time.  Her response was very gracious and thankful.  

LORD, help me to slow down and remember that others may have "VALLEYS" in their path and that they may need an ENCOURAGEMENT  instead of just another "HURRIED" response!  

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