Thursday, December 6, 2012


It is MORE than evident that America is in ICU!  A few years ago I was in ICU for a little over three weeks!  My doctor (and more than a few others) say "it was a miracle from GOD" that I even survived!  America needs a "miracle from GOD"!   

I look at our leaders and NO ONE admits or acknowledges the USA's problem.   I am not sure they know what our problem is!!  Democrats and Republicans, left and right, liberal and one admits where our REAL problem is!   

In the Bible in 1 Kings 11:9, GOD deals with King Solomon rather forcefully  for turning his back on GOD.   Scripture records "And the LORD was angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned from the LORD God of Israel, which had appeared unto him...."

You may call me an old "Bible Thumper" if you like, but I believe it is history we are dealing with.   Folks, the United States has been more blessed than any other nation in history, with the possible exception of Israel.   Yet America murders millions of babies per year,  states are re-defining marriage, rape, murder, incest, theft, and on and on, the list of crimes against GOD and humanity is becoming more accepted by our citizens.   

Is there hope for America?  I believe that until we as a country return to acknowledging The Lordship of Jesus Christ that we will be like King Solomon in 1 Kings!  The only hope for America is JESUS!  Carman Licciardello sings it best.....and we had better listen AND CHANGE or suffer the consequences!  

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