Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"It's just WORDS!"

Psalms 19:14   (KJV)
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

Psalms 5:1   (KJV)
"Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation."

The "WORDS" we use can determine how we are perceived.   If one is uneducated and unlearned, their language is usually the first place to reveal that.   On the other hand, if one is well educated, they generally reflect a keen knowledge of the language.  

GOD has a way of getting HIS way in our lives.  After all, HE created us and HE has the prerogative to do as HE chooses!  My brain sprung a leak six years ago and I was hospitalized for 52 days.  Afterward, my ability to "select" WORDS (Word Recall) has been limited.  Sometimes I just can't find the words to say exactly what I am feeling!  

I am no spiritual genius, but I think GOD uses that inability to find the desired words to "slow down" EVERYTHING in my life, and get me to WAIT ON HIM!  Not having the "WORD RECALL" like I had prior used to frustrate me, and still does sometimes.  But I am starting to see that when more thought and preparation are put into my "WORDS", I better express what GOD would have me say.  

I will be 53 years old in 3 weeks.  And it has taken me almost all 53 years to learn that the "WORDS" I say can be compassionate, sincere, funny, hurtful, or painful.  They can be uplifting and encouraging, or they can be used to dishearten  and tear down.  

Life is short!   If my purpose in life is to allow Christ to live through me, should I be using my few words to "tear down"?  Or should I be reflecting the LOVE OF CHRIST?  

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